City Strolls - events - meetings

Sunday, June 05, 2005

G8 Direct Action One day between 20th and 22nd June

On the local effect of the globalising neo liberal agenda for housing The organisers, Save Our Homes, say they would like a million people but if YOU bring a friend that will be great " 'Don’t care how you get there".
Glasgow are to organise a piece of direct action to highlight the housing sell off’s results to their city; secrecy, neglect, mass demolitions, illegal evictions, more homelessness. In particular they want to draw attention to proposed Edinburgh Privatisation. There are campaigners from around Scotland attending. Your area could be next to feel the force of the Dark Side on your Council housing. This means we must have people from Edinburgh as well as Glasgow attend. For more details on this ONE DAY Glasgow ACTION BETWEEN 20TH AND 22ND June 2005 to give some indication of the numbers who care about housing need and if you can TAKE PART please reply to this email TODAY to

Bob, 18:41


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