City Strolls - events - meetings
Saturday, March 19, 2005
21 Mar. Camcorder Guerillas presents a night of films
Dear Friends,
Please do come along if you can. A part from the good
programme, food/coffee at Mono is great (will ask them
for 10% of profit towards my publicity- but if a
Venezuelan is saying it, must be true off course)
Hope to see you there
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 11:22 PM
Subject: "Counter Terror, Build Justice 2005" - Camcorder Guerilla Cinema at
Mono on Monday 21 March from 7 till 10 pm
Camcorder Guerillas presents a night of films in support of:
" Counter Terror, Build Justice 2005" - A month of International Peace
Monday 21st March @ Mono, Kings Court (Trongate) - from 7 till 10 pm
Films start at 8:00 pm
Camcorder Guerillas Music & visuals from 7:00pm
"Counter Terror: Build Justice", a film by JNV (Justice Not Vengeance - UK)
"Independent media in a Time of War" (Indymedia War & Peace Trilogy)
"Dear Mrs Blair", a Camcorder Guerilla film (Introduction by Aimara Reques)
"Counter Terror Build Justice 2005" is transatlantic month of anti war
activity developed by Voices in the Wilderness in Chicago and Justice not
Vengeance (JNV) in the the UK running from the 19th March to the 15th April.
Sponsored by Noam Chomsky, Bruce Kent, John Pilger, Howard Zinn, Caroline
Lucas MEP and many other, Counter Terror: Build Justice is your chance to
join anti-war, anti-globalisation, nuclear disarmement and other activists
around the world in saying NO to the "war on terror".
More informatin about the campaign on and
Counter Terror Build Justice,
A film by JNV, written and directed by Milan Rai (Author of War Plan Iraq,
Regime unchanged and Chomsky's politics) .
How the British Government is undermining our security and how to stop al
A 20 minute film featuring Bruce Kent, Michael Foster MP, Dr Tariq Rajbee
Independent Media in a Time of War from The Indymedia War & Peace Trilogy
Running time: 29 minutes
Part scathing critique, part call to action, "Independent Media in a Time of
War" is a hard-hitting new documentary by the Hudson Mohawk Independent
Media Center ( This film is composed of a speech given
by Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! illustrated by clips of mainstream
media juxtaposed with rare footage from independent reporters in Iraq. The
documentary argues that dialogue is vital to a healthy democracy.
"Independent media has a crucial responsibility to go to where the silence
is," says Amy Goodman, "to represent the diverse voices of people engaged in
dissent." She makes a compelling argument that the commercial news media
have failed to represent the "true face of war."
Dear Mrs Blair
A Camcorder Guerillas Film - 2004
Running time: 15 mins
Music by Belle and Sebastian
Rose Gentle's son, Gordon, was killed on the 28th June 2004 in Iraq, at the
age of 19. He joined the army at the Pollock Job centre six months before
his death.
In "Dear Mrs Blair", Rose appeals to the Prime Minister's wife to listen to
her "mother to mother",. She believes that Gordon's life has been wasted
fighting an illegal and unjustifiable war. Rose doens't want any other
families to suffer the loss of their children. Rose has turned her grief
into a campaign to bring British troops home from Iraq but so far her pleas
have fallen on deaf ears.
"The government has ignored my pleas", says Rose, "but when i am on my own,
i go into Gordon's room, close the door and just think something has to be
Into Action Contacts
Justice Not Vengeance 0845 458 9571
Counter Terror: Build Justice
Voices in the Wilderness UK
G8 Alternatives
Dissent network
Seeds for Change
Free entrance - Suggested donation: £2
hope to see you there
Please circulate,
Charlotte for Camcorder Guerillas
Camcorder Guerilla Collective
GMAC - Room 17
34 Albion Street
G1 1LH Glasgow
tel: 0141 553 2551
Bob, 10:45