City Strolls - events - meetings
Monday, April 30, 2007
Will Tesco Get The Massage? Partick Did.
Residents of Partick have set the world record for the largest ever mass massage.
At 3pm on Sunday 29th April Partick residents told Tesco to ‘get the massage’ and leave the area the way it is - a place determined by it’s people. The record was set by a total of 87 participants who all enjoyed one moment of shared stress relief.The crowd gathered on a local green space(1) behind Morrison’s on Beith Street, which is in danger of being built upon as part of the Tesco development. The group were guided through the massage by trained masseur, Brendan McGuire. In one giant circle, Partick residents eased each other into relaxation whilst enjoying the much-appreciated Glasgow sunshine.
Following the record-breaking massage, participants hung ‘wish cards’ on trees along the perimeter of the site. “People have amazing ideas about how this space could be used,” said Laura Bradshaw, a local resident and organiser of the event. “A leisure or community centre, allotments, children’s play-park and city farm were just a few of the fantastic visions offered by the residents of Partick. It just goes to show that when people take the time to listen to the local community, the results are fresh and exciting.”
The people of Partick left the site in a haze of calm and tranquility, but the message was loud and clear: That the future of Partick is in the hands of it’s people, not Tesco.
The event was organised by ‘All Tomorrow’s Particks’. A collective of people who live and work in the area, who have come together to create visions of what Partick could be for the future. The group have promised that this will be the first in a series of events focusing on the future of Partick, in particular the proposed Tesco site. Whatever the Beith Street site is used for in the future, it should be up to the people of Partick to make the decision.
(1) 15% of the proposed Tesco site is owned by the Common Good, land owned by the people of Glasgow.
Press Contact – Ryan Galbraith
Bob, 22:36