City Strolls - events - meetings
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
We are not Criminals! We Belong to Glasgow! - Saturday 28th April
On the Saturday before the Scottish elections come and show your support for
UNITY in Glasgow city-centre Stop deportations to Zimbabwe and DR Congo! Stop deporting asylum seekers! Join UNITY at the top of Buchanan Street (outside Virgin and Sainsburys)next to the statue 1pm – 4pm
Dans la journee de samedi 28 avril avant la tenue des elections partielles en Ecosse, sortez massivement pour apporter votre soutien a Unity au centre ville. La manifestation est en soutien contre les deportations au Zimbabwe et en RDC, mais en generale contre toute deportations des demandeurs d`asile.
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- Sunday 6th May
International bloc at the Mayday march and rally
We are not illegal – we are not criminals – Give us the right to work!
Join UNITY and supporters on the march
Meet 11am George Square
Support the rights of ALL workers!
Followed by rally and music in the City Halls
Bring friends and family!
Journee internationale du travail, Grande marche et vaste demonstration en ville. POUR UN MONDE SANS FRONTIERES! SANS CONTROLES de l'immigration! Et donnez-nous le droit de travailler. Rejoignez les rangs de Unity et votre soutien est sollicite dans la manifestation.
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- Friday 18th May
Stop the wars that make refugees!
Stop the arms trade!
Join Unity outside the nuclear weapons base at Faslane (only 30 miles from
We are going to Faslane for an hour to protest against the weapons of mass destruction based there and then spend the rest of the day at Loch Lomond for a day of fun in the highlands of Scotland!
Free bus leaving George Square at 9am
Cessez les guerres qui produisent les demandeurs d`asiles.
Cessez tout commerce des armes.
Rejoignez Unity contre la proliferation des armes nucleaires a la base
militaire de Faslane.
Un voyage gratuit sera organise pour la manifestation et une visite au
celebre site touristique du lac Loch Lomond.
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- Saturday 19th May
March for an amnesty for all asylum seekers!
Assemble 12.30 outside Eagle Buildings
March 1pm to St Enoch’s Square for rally and music
Called by UNITY the union of asylum seekers in Glasgow
Grande manifestation pour une Amnistie general de tout le monde
Rassemblement 12.30 devant l `immeuble siege du tribunal de l` immigration,
sis a Eagle Building
Marche a partir de 13.00 vers la station de metro St Enoch`s Square
Cette manifestation est organisee par UNITY, le rassemblement de tous les
demandeurs d`asile a Glasgow
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Tell all your friends and family - and bring them along!
The Unity Centre
30 Ibrox Street
Glasgow G51 1AQ
0141 427 7992
Bob, 21:14