City Strolls - events - meetings

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Asylum & our communities: Kingsway film night -7.00pm Wednesday 11th April

Asylum & our communities: Kingsway film night An evening of films and a discussion for action to spread solidarity with asylum seekers and resistance to dawn raids. Featuring the new Camcorder Guerillas film Those Left Behind.

7.00pm Wednesday 11th April

Kingsway Health & Wellbeing Centre

50 Kingsway Court, Scotstoun, Glasgow


7.00pm - Asylum Realities. a Scottish Refugee Council Film

This film looks at the impact the UK asylum system has on the lives of three people trying to rebuild their lives in Scotland. Produced and directed by Charlotte Cornic for SRC.

7.40pm - Those Left Behind. a new Camcorder Guerillas film. What is it like to teach in a school where pupils simply vanish without trace? How do you feel about losing your best mate at school, something you never thought could happen? What happens when your neighbour of many years disappears over night? This film speaks to some of the people who live in Glasgow's communities where people disappear without warning.

7.55-8.30pm Discussion: for action

Chaired by Camcorder Guerillas. There is talk of an "amnesty" to allow families refused asylum to stay in the UK, but the head of the new Borders and Immigration Agency in Scotland has just announced that he intends to double the amount of dawn raids in Glasgow. This is an open discussion on the issues around seeking asylum, the impact of dawn raids and deportations, and what we can do to resist these attacks on our communities.

Kingsway Court Health & Wellbeing Centre

Block 50, Kingsway Court, Scotstoun, Glasgow, G14 9SR

Bob, 12:51


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