City Strolls - events - meetings
Friday, November 30, 2007
Radical Inrepenent Bookfair - Sat Dec.15th CCA
+ Annoyed with seasonal consumerism?
+ Bored with mainstream politics?
+ Can't access radical political materials?
+ Don't fret ... come along to the next RIB!
Glasgow's Radical Independent Bookfair project...
SATURDAY 15th DECEMBER CCA (centre for contemporary arts)
- 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow - 12 noon - 10pm
stalls / resources / videotheque / events free entry
Stalls & resources in Resource Space (ground floor next to cafe)
related events in CCA 4 (cinema space) -- for more info on RIB and a full set of links go to -
It's into the second year of the RIB project and with almost 20 events to date, it's fast becoming a welcome and anticipated bazaar of ideas and materials - it doesn't pretend to be a massive jamboree but what it lacks in quantity it more than makes up for in quality and regularity...!
The next RIB project event will be on the 26th January in the Pearce Institute (near Govan Underground) as part of the January Reshuffle -
12.30pm - 1.00pm
Book Launch Event
Launch of the recipe book from the Broth Mix project that took place in the Intermedia Gallery, Oct 07 with a slideshow of what took place. Followed by a gathering of all those who got involved and anyone else who is interested in contributing to what might come next.
1.00pm - 2.30pm
Discussion Event
Glasgow Anarchists will be having a discussion about Anarchism, Politics and Direct Action.
2.30pm - 4.00pm
Film Event
Since the spring of 2005, students of the University of Buea, challenging a 10-year illegitimate ban on all forms of protest, have been striking to request basic rights and essential amenities. As usual Cameroon forces were brought in to forcefully stop the strike. By November 2006, the forces had shot and killed 5 students, beaten another to death and severely injured many more. This documentary tries to tell the story of these horrifying events.
4.00pm - 5.30pm
Discussion Event
On the "practicalities" of working and cooperating with each other in the movement for change.
Taken from the idea that the work of radical groups, or whatever we want to call ourself, is to expand the base for a working class movement for change. At present we have the building blocks in various specialities, and all the ingredients to mix the cement. We seem to lack the commonality and vision of what it is we want to do, or hope to build. How do we discover if what we are doing can be done better, more effectively? How do we reach the wider audience not just the converted? Why does the wheel get regularly reinvented - the same problems crop up continuously? What has happened to the common dream that could shape the architecture of our collective endeavour? And most importantly, how do we encourage self determination in our communities?
5.30pm - 7.00pm
Discussion Event
Radical organising as healthworkers. A history, current issues and a vision for the future. All welcome.
7.00pm - 8.30pm
Book Launch Event
Writer Desmond Fernandes will be discussing some of the issues contained within his latest book.
This book examines the manner in which Armenian genocide denialism is questionably promoted by the governments of Turkey, the US, UK and Israel, as well as by various lobbies in Israel, the US and Turkey. It also confronts an issue that has been largely ignored by the British and US mainstream media and by mainstream British/US academic and political circles - that of the "Kurdish genocide in Turkey". The problem of censorship is also charted. Published by Apec Press (Stockholm) 2008.
8.30pm - 10.00pm
Book Event
Alex Law will introduce his recently published book and highlight some of important questions it raises.
"This timely collection illuminates a very important aspect of the New Labour regime - its tough and often hostile approach to workers within the welfare state. This has received scant attention from social scientists, but this book provides an expert and critical survey across a wide range of the salient issues with an appropriate emphasis on workers' resistance." Norman Ginsburg, London Metropolitan University.
Read more!
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomy Update 30 Nov 07
If you have some spare time, why not visit Faslane Peace Camp? Visitors are appreciated all year round, but especially in winter when numbers can be lower. Whether interested in doing and action or just sharing some vegan cake, check the Anti War section for contact details.Have a good week!************CONTENTS:
Ceilidh for Scottish Detainee Visitors - Saturday 15th December
Ceilidh to raise funds for Scottish Detainee VisitorsSupport detainees in DungavelBring your friends and family to enjoy a festive ceilidh 8pm -11pm (doors 7pm), St Helen's Hall, Langside, Glasgow (near Shawlands Cross)Tickets £5 on the door. Licensed bar selling alcoholic and soft drinks.For more information go to
---Positive Action in Housing Appeal - ongoing
Can you give a small but regular donation of £10 per month (or whatever you can afford) to help Positive Action in Housing provide food and temporary shelter for destitute asylum seekers in Glasgow? Hundreds of destitute people are now relying on Positive Action in Housing to help them survive hunger and destitution.
You can donate in one of the following ways:
1. Email
with any queries or offers of support and we will then contact
2. Make A One Off Payment Online:
3. Internet Banking: Set up a regular payment through your own
internet banking by paying into the following account:
Name of Account: Positive Action in Housing
Current account: 00447398 Sort Code 82 20 00
Please remember: if you are a UK taxpayer, please gift aid your
donation so that we can reclaim 25% from the Inland Revenue.
4. Make out a cheque payable to: Positive Action in Housing, and
post to PAIH, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ. --- Join the Glasgow Asylum Bail Circle - ongoingDo you have a spare room? If so you could help get an asylum seeker out of Dungavel detention centre. The people sent there have committed no crime and frequently become depressed and anxious during their detention.If you can offer temporary accomodation and would like to be involved in this extremely rewarding project, please contact us via the Unity Centre.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at]
---The Unity Centre - ongoing
UNITY is the new, rapidly growing, union of asylum seekers formed byasylum seekers to fight for greater rights for asylum seekers andsans papiers.The UNITY Centre at 30 Ibrox Street is open five days a week near tothe Home Office Immigration centre. Here families who are scared ofbeing detained when reporting at the Immigration Centre can 'signin' before reporting so we can quickly alert their lawyers, friends and relatives if they are detained.We offer friendly, practical solidarity and mutual aid to all asylumseekers, refugees and sans papiers. Phone our 24 hour action line on0141 427 7992 if you need help.The Centre is completley run by volunteers and funded by donations -please get in touch to help this exciting, new project.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at]
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of directaction to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 milesnorth of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week,or longer!Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from JamaicaStreet to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peacecamp.For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820
---Arrange a Nukewatch film screening - ongoing Award winning video activist collective Camcorder Guerillas will belaunching their new film about Nukewatch in November 2007.This film is a must see for all people concerned about nuclear weaponsand their transportation around the UK. Make sure people in your areaget the chance to see this important film. Order a copy now for £10(including action pack and postage) and start to organise a screening inyour area.Get in touch if you want to know more. If you would like a speaker tocome along to the screening that could be arranged. We would need you tobe responsible for booking a venue and making sure the screening ispublicised locally.The Camcorder Guerillas are a voluntary organisation. If you or yourorganisation are able to order an institutional copy (costing £75) youwill be directly supporting the production of the film and yourgenerosity will be appreciated by both the Camcorder Guerillas andNukewatch.Contact: film at or 07788
Talamh Housing Co-op - ongoingIf you fancy a few days away, and would like to come and help outfor a few days, or just for the day in a busy, sometimes chaoticcommunity, but fun too, then get in touch. Extra help is welcomed inthe gardenesp over the summer months, and with lots of other stuff too!Visitor space is in a basic static caravan with wood burner.Talamh is lucky to be set in 50 acres of land, and is home to 10adults, 4 children, visitors, 4 dogs, a cat and chickens. It's amember of Radical routes, a network of co-ops working for socialchange.For more info contact: or phone 01555 820550 alsosee
---Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 30th November
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ridethrough Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, lesshostile.All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square---
Glasgow Permaculture Network - new group
A Proposal:To establish and develop a Glasgow-based network of individuals dedicated to carrying out hands-on environmental projects based on permaculture principles.Possible projects might include:Backcourt clean-ups / Taking on or helping out with allotments / Guerrilla gardening and intervention / Highlighting neglected places and spaces left over after planning /Outreach work / Food co-op The network should be independent, autonomous and self-supporting, relying on hands-on voluntary work rather than council or government agency funding.Let me know what you --- Climate Change March - Saturday 8th December Meet at the M74 "ski jump" ramps at 12:30PM (Nearest subway is West Street)More details TBC.
---**************TACTICAL FRIVOLITY---
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - local group Glasgow Kiss Clowns now meet irregularly at variouslocations - for more info contact mashtram (AT)
--- ******************WORKPLACE ORGANISING---
IWW Meeting - December Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World branch meeting, for workers in Glasgow and surrounding area. Radical union for workers not bosses. Open also to prospective and lapsed members. Date, time and venue TBCenquiries 07910 627 970---Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign - ongoingGraham Meldrum was killed in a workplace incident on the 12th of July 2005 at Allied Bakeries in the Balmore Industrial Estate. He was employed by Suziline Agency contracted to ABF Grains (formerly known as Allied Bakeries) & TNT Logistics UK. His death is now the subject of a prosecution under Health & Safety Laws.HARD WORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE..? For more information Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign, GreenCity,23 Fleming St, Dennistoun, Glasgow, G31 1PQ
---********************ANARCHIST HISTORY---
Anarchist History Channel - ongoingHi: would you be so kind as to let people know of the following anarchistfilm (feature/documentary) channel:At might like to note that two new documentaries ‹ The Angry Brigade and'Persons Unknown'‹ have now been added to the Anarchist History channel onthe Anarchist History channelPlease note that you can have these films shown freely on your own websiteby applying to join the affiliate/syndication programme atwww.brightecove.com we ask you to do is send us the url and a brief description about thewebsite where the Player will be located. It's dead simple, really!See also Radical Films OnlineFour new films posted on the ChristieBooks Brightcove film channelViva Zapata! (1952) on! (Quemada!) (1969) on on - Memoria Sindical on
ChristieBooks, PO Box 35, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 2UX, UK
---**********INDEPENDENT MEDIA---
Glasgow "Indymedia" - new projectCurrently working on setting up some sort of Glasgow "indymedia" just now,If you are interested or want to help out then please email,Our efforts so far have created the following website here - Variant Magazine - Winter issue out now free, independent, arts magazine. In-depth coveragein the context of broader social, political & cultural issues.text : full issue :
full issue
---**************HOUSING---New Housing Co-operative for Glasgow - ongoing
Would you like to become involved in a new Housing Co-operative in Glasgow?We are looking for people to help start a housing and community project with the aim to co-create a communal living place and also to provide spaces and create situations for a wide-range of cultural and political events.We are an open collective based on mutual aid and trust who would like to hear from people who are interested in making a colourful and welcoming home.As we wish to help shape our communities and contribute to social and environmental change, we also envisage the opening of a space that acts as a neighbourhood hub. This might involve facilitating a self-organised community centre, a not-for-profit café and bookshop, the setting up of studios for local artists, workshops for workers’ co-operatives, office space for campaign groups, producing a vegetable garden, and so on.Should you wish to contact us for more information, please feel free to
Next RIB - Saturday 15th December CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street Further details TBA --- ***********************
The next generation of MSN Hotmail has arrived - Windows Live Hotmail
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
Read more!
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomy Update 30 Nov 07
If you have some spare time, why not visit Faslane Peace Camp? Visitors are appreciated all year round, but especially in winter when numbers can be lower. Whether interested in doing and action or just sharing some vegan cake, check the Anti War section for contact details.Have a good week!************CONTENTS:
Ceilidh for Scottish Detainee Visitors - Saturday 15th December
Ceilidh to raise funds for Scottish Detainee VisitorsSupport detainees in DungavelBring your friends and family to enjoy a festive ceilidh 8pm -11pm (doors 7pm), St Helen's Hall, Langside, Glasgow (near Shawlands Cross)Tickets £5 on the door. Licensed bar selling alcoholic and soft drinks.For more information go to
---Positive Action in Housing Appeal - ongoing
Can you give a small but regular donation of £10 per month (or whatever you can afford) to help Positive Action in Housing provide food and temporary shelter for destitute asylum seekers in Glasgow? Hundreds of destitute people are now relying on Positive Action in Housing to help them survive hunger and destitution.
You can donate in one of the following ways:
1. Email
with any queries or offers of support and we will then contact
2. Make A One Off Payment Online:
3. Internet Banking: Set up a regular payment through your own
internet banking by paying into the following account:
Name of Account: Positive Action in Housing
Current account: 00447398 Sort Code 82 20 00
Please remember: if you are a UK taxpayer, please gift aid your
donation so that we can reclaim 25% from the Inland Revenue.
4. Make out a cheque payable to: Positive Action in Housing, and
post to PAIH, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ. --- Join the Glasgow Asylum Bail Circle - ongoingDo you have a spare room? If so you could help get an asylum seeker out of Dungavel detention centre. The people sent there have committed no crime and frequently become depressed and anxious during their detention.If you can offer temporary accomodation and would like to be involved in this extremely rewarding project, please contact us via the Unity Centre.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at]
---The Unity Centre - ongoing
UNITY is the new, rapidly growing, union of asylum seekers formed byasylum seekers to fight for greater rights for asylum seekers andsans papiers.The UNITY Centre at 30 Ibrox Street is open five days a week near tothe Home Office Immigration centre. Here families who are scared ofbeing detained when reporting at the Immigration Centre can 'signin' before reporting so we can quickly alert their lawyers, friends and relatives if they are detained.We offer friendly, practical solidarity and mutual aid to all asylumseekers, refugees and sans papiers. Phone our 24 hour action line on0141 427 7992 if you need help.The Centre is completley run by volunteers and funded by donations -please get in touch to help this exciting, new project.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at]
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of directaction to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 milesnorth of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week,or longer!Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from JamaicaStreet to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peacecamp.For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820
---Arrange a Nukewatch film screening - ongoing Award winning video activist collective Camcorder Guerillas will belaunching their new film about Nukewatch in November 2007.This film is a must see for all people concerned about nuclear weaponsand their transportation around the UK. Make sure people in your areaget the chance to see this important film. Order a copy now for £10(including action pack and postage) and start to organise a screening inyour area.Get in touch if you want to know more. If you would like a speaker tocome along to the screening that could be arranged. We would need you tobe responsible for booking a venue and making sure the screening ispublicised locally.The Camcorder Guerillas are a voluntary organisation. If you or yourorganisation are able to order an institutional copy (costing £75) youwill be directly supporting the production of the film and yourgenerosity will be appreciated by both the Camcorder Guerillas andNukewatch.Contact: film at or 07788
Talamh Housing Co-op - ongoingIf you fancy a few days away, and would like to come and help outfor a few days, or just for the day in a busy, sometimes chaoticcommunity, but fun too, then get in touch. Extra help is welcomed inthe gardenesp over the summer months, and with lots of other stuff too!Visitor space is in a basic static caravan with wood burner.Talamh is lucky to be set in 50 acres of land, and is home to 10adults, 4 children, visitors, 4 dogs, a cat and chickens. It's amember of Radical routes, a network of co-ops working for socialchange.For more info contact: or phone 01555 820550 alsosee
---Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 30th November
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ridethrough Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, lesshostile.All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square---
Glasgow Permaculture Network - new group
A Proposal:To establish and develop a Glasgow-based network of individuals dedicated to carrying out hands-on environmental projects based on permaculture principles.Possible projects might include:Backcourt clean-ups / Taking on or helping out with allotments / Guerrilla gardening and intervention / Highlighting neglected places and spaces left over after planning /Outreach work / Food co-op The network should be independent, autonomous and self-supporting, relying on hands-on voluntary work rather than council or government agency funding.Let me know what you --- Climate Change March - Saturday 8th December Meet at the M74 "ski jump" ramps at 12:30PM (Nearest subway is West Street)More details TBC.
---**************TACTICAL FRIVOLITY---
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - local group Glasgow Kiss Clowns now meet irregularly at variouslocations - for more info contact mashtram (AT)
--- ******************WORKPLACE ORGANISING---
IWW Meeting - December Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World branch meeting, for workers in Glasgow and surrounding area. Radical union for workers not bosses. Open also to prospective and lapsed members. Date, time and venue TBCenquiries 07910 627 970---Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign - ongoingGraham Meldrum was killed in a workplace incident on the 12th of July 2005 at Allied Bakeries in the Balmore Industrial Estate. He was employed by Suziline Agency contracted to ABF Grains (formerly known as Allied Bakeries) & TNT Logistics UK. His death is now the subject of a prosecution under Health & Safety Laws.HARD WORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE..? For more information Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign, GreenCity,23 Fleming St, Dennistoun, Glasgow, G31 1PQ
---********************ANARCHIST HISTORY---
Anarchist History Channel - ongoingHi: would you be so kind as to let people know of the following anarchistfilm (feature/documentary) channel:At might like to note that two new documentaries ‹ The Angry Brigade and'Persons Unknown'‹ have now been added to the Anarchist History channel onthe Anarchist History channelPlease note that you can have these films shown freely on your own websiteby applying to join the affiliate/syndication programme atwww.brightecove.com we ask you to do is send us the url and a brief description about thewebsite where the Player will be located. It's dead simple, really!See also Radical Films OnlineFour new films posted on the ChristieBooks Brightcove film channelViva Zapata! (1952) on! (Quemada!) (1969) on on - Memoria Sindical on
ChristieBooks, PO Box 35, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 2UX, UK
---**********INDEPENDENT MEDIA---
Glasgow "Indymedia" - new projectCurrently working on setting up some sort of Glasgow "indymedia" just now,If you are interested or want to help out then please email,Our efforts so far have created the following website here - Variant Magazine - Winter issue out now free, independent, arts magazine. In-depth coveragein the context of broader social, political & cultural issues.text : full issue :
full issue
---**************HOUSING---New Housing Co-operative for Glasgow - ongoing
Would you like to become involved in a new Housing Co-operative in Glasgow?We are looking for people to help start a housing and community project with the aim to co-create a communal living place and also to provide spaces and create situations for a wide-range of cultural and political events.We are an open collective based on mutual aid and trust who would like to hear from people who are interested in making a colourful and welcoming home.As we wish to help shape our communities and contribute to social and environmental change, we also envisage the opening of a space that acts as a neighbourhood hub. This might involve facilitating a self-organised community centre, a not-for-profit café and bookshop, the setting up of studios for local artists, workshops for workers’ co-operatives, office space for campaign groups, producing a vegetable garden, and so on.Should you wish to contact us for more information, please feel free to
Next RIB - Saturday 15th December CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street Further details TBA --- ***********************
The next generation of MSN Hotmail has arrived - Windows Live Hotmail
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
Read more!
Sunday, November 25, 2007

information on Raytheon database of UK travellers)
No to ID
Defy ID
Read more!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomy Update
This week, why not get involved in new groups and ideas in Glasgow? There's a permaculture network and a new housing co-op in the planning - check the Sustainability and Housing sections for details.Have a good week!
**************REFUGEES--- Positive Action in Housing Appeal - ongoing
Can you give a small but regular donation of £10 per month (or
whatever you can afford) to help Positive Action in Housing
provide food and temporary shelter for destitute asylum seekers
in Glasgow?
Hundreds of destitute people are now relying on Positive Action in
Housing to help them survive hunger and destitution.
You can donate in one of the following ways:
1. Email
with any queries or offers of support and we will then contact
2. Make A One Off Payment Online:
3. Internet Banking: Set up a regular payment through your own
internet banking by paying into the following account:
Name of Account: Positive Action in Housing
Current account: 00447398 Sort Code 82 20 00
Please remember: if you are a UK taxpayer, please gift aid your
donation so that we can reclaim 25% from the Inland Revenue.
4. Make out a cheque payable to: Positive Action in Housing, and
post to PAIH, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ.
--- Join the Glasgow Asylum Bail Circle - ongoingDo you have a spare room? If so you could help get an asylum seeker out of Dungavel detention centre. The people sent there have committed no crime and frequently become depressed and anxious during their detention.If you can offer temporary accomodation and would like to be involved in this extremely rewarding project, please contact us via the Unity Centre.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at] Unity Centre - ongoingUNITY is the new, rapidly growing, union of asylum seekers formed byasylum seekers to fight for greater rights for asylum seekers andsans papiers.The UNITY Centre at 30 Ibrox Street is open five days a week near tothe Home Office Immigration centre. Here families who are scared ofbeing detained when reporting at the Immigration Centre can 'signin' before reporting so we can quickly alert their lawyers, friends and relatives if they are detained.We offer friendly, practical solidarity and mutual aid to all asylumseekers, refugees and sans papiers. Phone our 24 hour action line on0141 427 7992 if you need help.The Centre is completley run by volunteers and funded by donations -please get in touch to help this exciting, new project.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at]
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of directaction to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 milesnorth of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week,or longer!Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from JamaicaStreet to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peacecamp.For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 a Nukewatch film screening - ongoing winning video activist collective Camcorder Guerillas will belaunching their new film about Nukewatch in November 2007.This film is a must see for all people concerned about nuclear weaponsand their transportation around the UK. Make sure people in your areaget the chance to see this important film. Order a copy now for £10(including action pack and postage) and start to organise a screening inyour area.Get in touch if you want to know more. If you would like a speaker tocome along to the screening that could be arranged. We would need you tobe responsible for booking a venue and making sure the screening ispublicised locally.The Camcorder Guerillas are a voluntary organisation. If you or yourorganisation are able to order an institutional copy (costing £75) youwill be directly supporting the production of the film and yourgenerosity will be appreciated by both the Camcorder Guerillas andNukewatch.Contact: film at or 07788
Talamh Housing Co-op - ongoingIf you fancy a few days away, and would like to come and help outfor a few days, or just for the day in a busy, sometimes chaoticcommunity, but fun too, then get in touch. Extra help is welcomed inthe gardenesp over the summer months, and with lots of other stuff too!Visitor space is in a basic static caravan with wood burner.Talamh is lucky to be set in 50 acres of land, and is home to 10adults, 4 children, visitors, 4 dogs, a cat and chickens. It's amember of Radical routes, a network of co-ops working for socialchange.For more info contact: or phone 01555 820550 alsosee Critical Mass - Friday 30th NovemberA happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ridethrough Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, lesshostile.All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square---Tree Week at Talamh - Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th November 10am to 4pmTalamh Life Centre, Birkhill House, Coalburn, South Lanarkshire. ML11 0NJAs part of the Tree Council’s National Tree Week, Talamh will once againbe holding a tree weekend. Talamh invites people to come along and takepart in the annual tree planting festival at November’s tree weekend.Wewill be tree-planting, taking care of trees already planted, pruning,weaving in the willow hedge planted last year, as well as providinggeneral habitat maintenance.Stay for the whole day and take part in what’s going on, or just comealong to see what’s happening and have a look and wander around thesite. Soup for lunch will be available and hot drinks during the day.Bring warm and waterproof clothes, etc – it’s muddy here!For more info and travel directions contact - 01555 820550 or or see Glasgow Permaculture Network - new group A Proposal:To establish and develop a Glasgow-based network of individuals dedicated to carrying out hands-on environmental projects based on permaculture principles.Possible projects might include:Backcourt clean-ups / Taking on or helping out with allotments / Guerrilla gardening and intervention / Highlighting neglected places and spaces left over after planning /Outreach work / Food co-op The network should be independent, autonomous and self-supporting, relying on hands-on voluntary work rather than council or government agency funding.Let me know what you ---
Buy Nothing Day - Saturday 24th November
Buchanan Galleries - St. Enoch Centre - The Really Posh Shopping Centre on Buchanan St - Anywhere Where There's Escalators...
Prizes (liberated stuff)
Going Up the Down Way + Down the Up Way
Races G.U.D.W.+D.U.W (like the travellator at the end of "Gladiators")
and general spontaneous creation of escalator blockages.
Meet Buchanan St Tube Exit, Glasgow, Saturday 24/11 at 12pm.
Wear? Blank t-shirt / with? "i am not shopping" written on.
(Marker pens will be available on the day).
Climate Change March - Saturday 8th December
Meet at the M74 "ski jump" ramps at 12:30PM (Nearest subway is West Street)More details TBC.
---**************TACTICAL FRIVOLITY---Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - local group
Glasgow Kiss Clowns now meet irregularly at variouslocations - for more info contact mashtram (AT)
******************WORKPLACE ORGANISING---
IWW Meeting - Wednesdy 5th December Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World branch meeting, for workers in Glasgow and surrounding area. Radical union for workers not bosses. Open also to prospective and lapsed members. The Pearce Institute, Govan Road, (opposite Govan Underground)7-9pmenquiries 07910 627 970---Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign - ongoingGraham Meldrum was killed in a workplace incident on the 12th of July 2005 at Allied Bakeries in the Balmore Industrial Estate. He was employed by Suziline Agency contracted to ABF Grains (formerly known as Allied Bakeries) & TNT Logistics UK. His death is now the subject of a prosecution under Health & Safety Laws.HARD WORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE..? For more information Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign, GreenCity,23 Fleming St, Dennistoun, Glasgow, G31 1PQ---
********************ANARCHIST HISTORY---
Anarchist History Channel - ongoingHi: would you be so kind as to let people know of the following anarchistfilm (feature/documentary) channel:At might like to note that two new documentaries ‹ The Angry Brigade and'Persons Unknown'‹ have now been added to the Anarchist History channel onthe Anarchist History channelPlease note that you can have these films shown freely on your own websiteby applying to join the affiliate/syndication programme atwww.brightecove.com we ask you to do is send us the url and a brief description about thewebsite where the Player will be located. It's dead simple, really!See also Radical Films OnlineFour new films posted on the ChristieBooks Brightcove film channelViva Zapata! (1952)
on! (Quemada!) (1969) on on - Memoria Sindical on http://www.tvhastingschristiebooks.comChristieBooks, PO Box 35, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 2UX, UK---
Glasgow "Indymedia" - new projectCurrently working on setting up some sort of Glasgow "indymedia" just now,If you are interested or want to help out then please email,Our efforts so far have created the following website here - Variant Magazine - Winter issue out now free, independent, arts magazine. In-depth coveragein the context of broader social, political & cultural issues.text : full issue : full issue ---
Make Lying History! Campaign - ongoingA Glasgow activist is currently struggling with a libel action against Glasgow's Evening Times. The Evening Times published personal details and a photo of him in their "G Hate" article during the 2005 G8 summit.To enable him to go to the next stage at the Court of Session in Edinburgh, we need to help him raise about £20,000. Please take a look at the link and help in any way you can.
New Housing Co-operative for Glasgow - ongoingWould you like to become involved in a new Housing Co-operative in Glasgow?We are looking for people to help start a housing and community project with the aim to co-create a communal living place and also to provide spaces and create situations for a wide-range of cultural and political events.We are an open collective based on mutual aid and trust who would like to hear from people who are interested in making a colourful and welcoming home.As we wish to help shape our communities and contribute to social and environmental change, we also envisage the opening of a space that acts as a neighbourhood hub. This might involve facilitating a self-organised community centre, a not-for-profit café and bookshop, the setting up of studios for local artists, workshops for workers’ co-operatives, office space for campaign groups, producing a vegetable garden, and so on.Should you wish to contact us for more information, please feel free to
Anti-Commonwealth Games website - ongoing There has been much ado about the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow for a while now. It's everywhere. You can't escape it - but did anyone ever ask you if you wanted it? It's time amidst all the glossy nonsense that we stand up and becounted. We don't back the bid!
********************** RADICAL INDEPENDENT BOOKFAIR ---
Next RIB - Saturday 15th December CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street Further details TBA --- ***********************
The next generation of MSN Hotmail has arrived - Windows Live Hotmail
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
Read more!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Polish Art in Glasgow

Click image to enlarge
"The Place"
Two weeks of Polish and Scottish cultural stimulation
Glasgow hosts three Polish and Scottish Contemporary Art exhibitions
9th to 23rd November 2007 - Two weeks of Scottish and Polish Cultural
"The Place" Exhibition Opening - 9th November - 6pm - The Sikorski
Polish Club, 5 Park Grove Terrace (facing Kelvingrove Park).
November 10 - opening of "The Place" exhibitions/installations at St
Simons Church, 6pm then St Peters Church, 7.30pm.
November 11, 6pm - The Sikorski Polish Club - Performance of
storytelling, poetry, theatre, music and discussion as part of Polish
Day of Independence and British Remembrance Day.
The "Gappad" theatre group will perform 11/11 - a play based on the
poetry of a young member of "Gappad" Gosi Zbudniewek.
Cast: Anita Łenyk, Malgorzata Zbudniewek, Agnieszka Bresler, Piotr
Kurjata and Dominik Dąbek.
supported by: Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, The
Sikorski Polish Club(The Polish Social & Educational Society) Glasgow,
Scottish Polish Cultural Association, Edinburgh, Polish Cultural
Institute,, Polish Art Scotland,,

The Polish Club, 5 Park Grove Terrace, Glasgow G3 7SD
0141 339 1368 for info

Read more!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomy Update. 5 November Boom
This week there's an urgent appeal for funds to help house new migrants in Glasgow over the winter - see the Refugees section. Plus, new and exciting groups to join - check out "Sustainability" and "Ideas for Action."Have a good week!CONTENTS:
Positive Action in Housing Appeal - ongoing
Can you give a small but regular donation of £10 per month (or whatever you can afford) to help Positive Action in Housing provide food and temporary shelter for destitute asylum seekers in Glasgow?
Hundreds of destitute people are now relying on Positive Action in Housing to help them survive hunger and destitution.
You can donate in one of the following ways:
1. Email
with any queries or offers of support and we will then contact
2. Make A One Off Payment Online:
3. Internet Banking: Set up a regular payment through your own
internet banking by paying into the following account:
Name of Account: Positive Action in Housing
Current account: 00447398 Sort Code 82 20 00
Please remember: if you are a UK taxpayer, please gift aid your donation so that we can reclaim 25% from the Inland Revenue. 4. Make out a cheque payable to: Positive Action in Housing, and post to PAIH, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ.
Join the Glasgow Asylum Bail Circle - ongoing Do you have a spare room? If so you could help get an asylum seeker out of Dungavel detention centre. The people sent there have committed no crime and frequently become depressed and anxious during their detention.If you can offer temporary accomodation and would like to be involved in this extremely rewarding project, please contact us via the Unity Centre.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at] Unity Centre - ongoingUNITY is the new, rapidly growing, union of asylum seekers formed byasylum seekers to fight for greater rights for asylum seekers andsans papiers.The UNITY Centre at 30 Ibrox Street is open five days a week near tothe Home Office Immigration centre. Here families who are scared ofbeing detained when reporting at the Immigration Centre can 'signin' before reporting so we can quickly alert their lawyers, friends and relatives if they are detained.We offer friendly, practical solidarity and mutual aid to all asylumseekers, refugees and sans papiers. Phone our 24 hour action line on0141 427 7992 if you need help.The Centre is completley run by volunteers and funded by donations -please get in touch to help this exciting, new project.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at]
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of directaction to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 milesnorth of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week,or longer!Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from JamaicaStreet to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peacecamp.For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 a Nukewatch film screening - ongoing winning video activist collective Camcorder Guerillas will belaunching their new film about Nukewatch in November 2007.This film is a must see for all people concerned about nuclear weaponsand their transportation around the UK. Make sure people in your areaget the chance to see this important film. Order a copy now for £10(including action pack and postage) and start to organise a screening inyour area.Get in touch if you want to know more. If you would like a speaker tocome along to the screening that could be arranged. We would need you tobe responsible for booking a venue and making sure the screening ispublicised locally.The Camcorder Guerillas are a voluntary organisation. If you or yourorganisation are able to order an institutional copy (costing £75) youwill be directly supporting the production of the film and yourgenerosity will be appreciated by both the Camcorder Guerillas andNukewatch.Contact: film at or 07788
Talamh Housing Co-op - ongoingIf you fancy a few days away, and would like to come and help outfor a few days, or just for the day in a busy, sometimes chaoticcommunity, but fun too, then get in touch. Extra help is welcomed inthe gardenesp over the summer months, and with lots of other stuff too!Visitor space is in a basic static caravan with wood burner.Talamh is lucky to be set in 50 acres of land, and is home to 10adults, 4 children, visitors, 4 dogs, a cat and chickens. It's amember of Radical routes, a network of co-ops working for socialchange.For more info contact: or phone 01555 820550 alsosee Critical Mass - Friday 30th NovemberA happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ridethrough Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, lesshostile.All welcome! Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square---Tree Week at Talamh - Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th November 10am to 4pmTalamh Life Centre, Birkhill House, Coalburn, South Lanarkshire. ML11 0NJAs part of the Tree Council’s National Tree Week, Talamh will once againbe holding a tree weekend. Talamh invites people to come along and takepart in the annual tree planting festival at November’s tree weekend.Wewill be tree-planting, taking care of trees already planted, pruning,weaving in the willow hedge planted last year, as well as providinggeneral habitat maintenance.Stay for the whole day and take part in what’s going on, or just comealong to see what’s happening and have a look and wander around thesite. Soup for lunch will be available and hot drinks during the day.Bring warm and waterproof clothes, etc – it’s muddy here!For more info and travel directions contact - 01555 820550 or or see
Glasgow Permaculture Network - new group
A Proposal:To establish and develop a Glasgow-based network of individuals dedicated to carrying out hands-on environmental projects based on permaculture principles.Possible projects might include:Backcourt clean-ups / Taking on or helping out with allotments / Guerrilla gardening and intervention / Highlighting neglected places and spaces left over after planning /Outreach work / Food co-op The network should be independent, autonomous and self-supporting, relying on hands-on voluntary work rather than council or government agency funding.Let me know what you
---**************TACTICAL FRIVOLITY---
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 8th NovemberThe Glasgow Brigade of the Clandestine Insurgent RebelClown Army (CIRCA) meets every Thursday (EXCEPT THELAST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH) from 6pmtill 8pm in the upstairs gallery of the LansdowneChurch (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).All welcome. Come along to find your inner Clown, haveloads of fun, and plot sinister plans forrevolutionarysilliness.Contact Major Pant-Sweat, mashtram(AT)
******************WORKPLACE ORGANISING---
IWW Meeting - Wednesday 7th November Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World branch meeting, for workers in Glasgow and surrounding area. Radical union for workers not bosses. Open also to prospective and lapsed members. The Pearce Institute, Govan Road, (opposite Govan Underground)
7-9pmenquiries 07910 627 970---Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign - ongoingGraham Meldrum was killed in a workplace incident on the 12th of July 2005 at Allied Bakeries in the Balmore Industrial Estate. He was employed by Suziline Agency contracted to ABF Grains (formerly known as Allied Bakeries) & TNT Logistics UK. His death is now the subject of a prosecution under Health & Safety Laws.HARD WORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE..? For more information Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign, GreenCity,23 Fleming St, Dennistoun, Glasgow, G31 1PQ---
********************ANARCHIST HISTORY---
Anarchist History Channel - ongoingHi: would you be so kind as to let people know of the following anarchistfilm (feature/documentary) channel:At
channel.jsp?channel=219646953&firstVideoYou might like to note that two new documentaries ‹ The Angry Brigade and'Persons Unknown'‹ have now been added to the Anarchist History channel onthe Anarchist History channelPlease note that you can have these films shown freely on your own websiteby applying to join the affiliate/syndication programme at we ask you to do is send us the url and a brief description about thewebsite where the Player will be located. It's dead simple, really!See also Radical Films OnlineFour new films posted on the ChristieBooks Brightcove film channelViva Zapata! (1952)
on! (Quemada!) (1969) on on - Memoria Sindical on
http://www.tvhastingschristiebooks.comChristieBooks, PO Box 35, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 2UX, UK---
Glasgow "Indymedia" - new projectCurrently working on setting up some sort of Glasgow "indymedia" just now,If you are interested or want to help out then please email,Our efforts so far have created the following website here - Variant Magazine - Winter issue out now free, independent, arts magazine. In-depth coveragein the context of broader social, political & cultural issues.text : full issue : full issue
Make Lying History! Campaign - ongoingA Glasgow activist is currently struggling with a libel action against Glasgow's Evening Times. The Evening Times published personal details and a photo of him in their "G Hate" article during the 2005 G8 summit.To enable him to go to the next stage at the Court of Session in Edinburgh, we need to help him raise about £20,000. Please take a look at the link and help in any way you can.
New Housing Co-operative for Glasgow - ongoingWould you like to become involved in a new Housing Co-operative in Glasgow?We are looking for people to help start a housing and community project with the aim to co-create a communal living place and also to provide spaces and create situations for a wide-range of cultural and political events.We are an open collective based on mutual aid and trust who would like to hear from people who are interested in making a colourful and welcoming home.As we wish to help shape our communities and contribute to social and environmental change, we also envisage the opening of a space that acts as a neighbourhood hub. This might involve facilitating a self-organised community centre, a not-for-profit café and bookshop, the setting up of studios for local artists, workshops for workers’ co-operatives, office space for campaign groups, producing a vegetable garden, and so on.Should you wish to contact us for more information, please feel free to
Anti-Commonwealth Games website - ongoing There has been much ado about the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow for a while now. It's everywhere. You can't escape it - but did anyone ever ask you ifyou wanted it? It's time amidst all the glossy nonsense that we stand up and becounted. We don't back the bid!
Next RIB - Saturday 15th December
CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street
Further details TBA
"Next Steps" - Friday 9th November
So you want to change the world?Are you committed to bringing about dramatic social change within your lifetime?If so, please join a new, independent group of thinkers for an informal lunch at1pm Room 5.44 of the Department of Geography and Sociologyin the Graham Hills Building (Richmond Street) at the University of Strathclyde.We hope to begin formulating a vision of a better world and considering ways in which we can work towards it.
Get free emoticon packs and customisation from Windows Live.
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
Read more!
This week there's an urgent appeal for funds to help house new migrants in Glasgow over the winter - see the Refugees section. Plus, new and exciting groups to join - check out "Sustainability" and "Ideas for Action."Have a good week!CONTENTS:
Positive Action in Housing Appeal - ongoing
Can you give a small but regular donation of £10 per month (or whatever you can afford) to help Positive Action in Housing provide food and temporary shelter for destitute asylum seekers in Glasgow?
Hundreds of destitute people are now relying on Positive Action in Housing to help them survive hunger and destitution.
You can donate in one of the following ways:
1. Email
with any queries or offers of support and we will then contact
2. Make A One Off Payment Online:
3. Internet Banking: Set up a regular payment through your own
internet banking by paying into the following account:
Name of Account: Positive Action in Housing
Current account: 00447398 Sort Code 82 20 00
Please remember: if you are a UK taxpayer, please gift aid your donation so that we can reclaim 25% from the Inland Revenue. 4. Make out a cheque payable to: Positive Action in Housing, and post to PAIH, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ.
Join the Glasgow Asylum Bail Circle - ongoing Do you have a spare room? If so you could help get an asylum seeker out of Dungavel detention centre. The people sent there have committed no crime and frequently become depressed and anxious during their detention.If you can offer temporary accomodation and would like to be involved in this extremely rewarding project, please contact us via the Unity Centre.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at] Unity Centre - ongoingUNITY is the new, rapidly growing, union of asylum seekers formed byasylum seekers to fight for greater rights for asylum seekers andsans papiers.The UNITY Centre at 30 Ibrox Street is open five days a week near tothe Home Office Immigration centre. Here families who are scared ofbeing detained when reporting at the Immigration Centre can 'signin' before reporting so we can quickly alert their lawyers, friends and relatives if they are detained.We offer friendly, practical solidarity and mutual aid to all asylumseekers, refugees and sans papiers. Phone our 24 hour action line on0141 427 7992 if you need help.The Centre is completley run by volunteers and funded by donations -please get in touch to help this exciting, new project.The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992theunitycentre [at]
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of directaction to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 milesnorth of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week,or longer!Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from JamaicaStreet to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peacecamp.For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 a Nukewatch film screening - ongoing winning video activist collective Camcorder Guerillas will belaunching their new film about Nukewatch in November 2007.This film is a must see for all people concerned about nuclear weaponsand their transportation around the UK. Make sure people in your areaget the chance to see this important film. Order a copy now for £10(including action pack and postage) and start to organise a screening inyour area.Get in touch if you want to know more. If you would like a speaker tocome along to the screening that could be arranged. We would need you tobe responsible for booking a venue and making sure the screening ispublicised locally.The Camcorder Guerillas are a voluntary organisation. If you or yourorganisation are able to order an institutional copy (costing £75) youwill be directly supporting the production of the film and yourgenerosity will be appreciated by both the Camcorder Guerillas andNukewatch.Contact: film at or 07788
Talamh Housing Co-op - ongoingIf you fancy a few days away, and would like to come and help outfor a few days, or just for the day in a busy, sometimes chaoticcommunity, but fun too, then get in touch. Extra help is welcomed inthe gardenesp over the summer months, and with lots of other stuff too!Visitor space is in a basic static caravan with wood burner.Talamh is lucky to be set in 50 acres of land, and is home to 10adults, 4 children, visitors, 4 dogs, a cat and chickens. It's amember of Radical routes, a network of co-ops working for socialchange.For more info contact: or phone 01555 820550 alsosee Critical Mass - Friday 30th NovemberA happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ridethrough Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, lesshostile.All welcome! Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square---Tree Week at Talamh - Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th November 10am to 4pmTalamh Life Centre, Birkhill House, Coalburn, South Lanarkshire. ML11 0NJAs part of the Tree Council’s National Tree Week, Talamh will once againbe holding a tree weekend. Talamh invites people to come along and takepart in the annual tree planting festival at November’s tree weekend.Wewill be tree-planting, taking care of trees already planted, pruning,weaving in the willow hedge planted last year, as well as providinggeneral habitat maintenance.Stay for the whole day and take part in what’s going on, or just comealong to see what’s happening and have a look and wander around thesite. Soup for lunch will be available and hot drinks during the day.Bring warm and waterproof clothes, etc – it’s muddy here!For more info and travel directions contact - 01555 820550 or or see
Glasgow Permaculture Network - new group
A Proposal:To establish and develop a Glasgow-based network of individuals dedicated to carrying out hands-on environmental projects based on permaculture principles.Possible projects might include:Backcourt clean-ups / Taking on or helping out with allotments / Guerrilla gardening and intervention / Highlighting neglected places and spaces left over after planning /Outreach work / Food co-op The network should be independent, autonomous and self-supporting, relying on hands-on voluntary work rather than council or government agency funding.Let me know what you
---**************TACTICAL FRIVOLITY---
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 8th NovemberThe Glasgow Brigade of the Clandestine Insurgent RebelClown Army (CIRCA) meets every Thursday (EXCEPT THELAST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH) from 6pmtill 8pm in the upstairs gallery of the LansdowneChurch (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).All welcome. Come along to find your inner Clown, haveloads of fun, and plot sinister plans forrevolutionarysilliness.Contact Major Pant-Sweat, mashtram(AT)
******************WORKPLACE ORGANISING---
IWW Meeting - Wednesday 7th November Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World branch meeting, for workers in Glasgow and surrounding area. Radical union for workers not bosses. Open also to prospective and lapsed members. The Pearce Institute, Govan Road, (opposite Govan Underground)
7-9pmenquiries 07910 627 970---Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign - ongoingGraham Meldrum was killed in a workplace incident on the 12th of July 2005 at Allied Bakeries in the Balmore Industrial Estate. He was employed by Suziline Agency contracted to ABF Grains (formerly known as Allied Bakeries) & TNT Logistics UK. His death is now the subject of a prosecution under Health & Safety Laws.HARD WORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE..? For more information Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign, GreenCity,23 Fleming St, Dennistoun, Glasgow, G31 1PQ---
********************ANARCHIST HISTORY---
Anarchist History Channel - ongoingHi: would you be so kind as to let people know of the following anarchistfilm (feature/documentary) channel:At might like to note that two new documentaries ‹ The Angry Brigade and'Persons Unknown'‹ have now been added to the Anarchist History channel onthe Anarchist History channelPlease note that you can have these films shown freely on your own websiteby applying to join the affiliate/syndication programme atwww.brightecove.com we ask you to do is send us the url and a brief description about thewebsite where the Player will be located. It's dead simple, really!See also Radical Films OnlineFour new films posted on the ChristieBooks Brightcove film channelViva Zapata! (1952)
on! (Quemada!) (1969) on on - Memoria Sindical on, PO Box 35, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 2UX, UK---
Glasgow "Indymedia" - new projectCurrently working on setting up some sort of Glasgow "indymedia" just now,If you are interested or want to help out then please email,Our efforts so far have created the following website here - Variant Magazine - Winter issue out now free, independent, arts magazine. In-depth coveragein the context of broader social, political & cultural issues.text : full issue : full issue
Make Lying History! Campaign - ongoingA Glasgow activist is currently struggling with a libel action against Glasgow's Evening Times. The Evening Times published personal details and a photo of him in their "G Hate" article during the 2005 G8 summit.To enable him to go to the next stage at the Court of Session in Edinburgh, we need to help him raise about £20,000. Please take a look at the link and help in any way you can.*******************HOUSING---New Housing Co-operative for Glasgow - ongoingWould you like to become involved in a new Housing Co-operative in Glasgow?We are looking for people to help start a housing and community project with the aim to co-create a communal living place and also to provide spaces and create situations for a wide-range of cultural and political events.We are an open collective based on mutual aid and trust who would like to hear from people who are interested in making a colourful and welcoming home.As we wish to help shape our communities and contribute to social and environmental change, we also envisage the opening of a space that acts as a neighbourhood hub. This might involve facilitating a self-organised community centre, a not-for-profit café and bookshop, the setting up of studios for local artists, workshops for workers’ co-operatives, office space for campaign groups, producing a vegetable garden, and so on.Should you wish to contact us for more information, please feel free to
Anti-Commonwealth Games website - ongoing There has been much ado about the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow for a while now. It's everywhere. You can't escape it - but did anyone ever ask you ifyou wanted it? It's time amidst all the glossy nonsense that we stand up and becounted. We don't back the bid!
Next RIB - Saturday 15th December
CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street
Further details TBA
"Next Steps" - Friday 9th November
So you want to change the world?Are you committed to bringing about dramatic social change within your lifetime?If so, please join a new, independent group of thinkers for an informal lunch at1pm Room 5.44 of the Department of Geography and Sociologyin the Graham Hills Building (Richmond Street) at the University of Strathclyde.We hope to begin formulating a vision of a better world and considering ways in which we can work towards it.
Get free emoticon packs and customisation from Windows Live.
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
Read more!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Press Release – Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign
Press enquiries – T: 07784824491
The Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign, GreenCity,
23 Fleming St, Dennistoun, Glasgow, G31 1PQ
On Monday 5th November 2007 at 2pm, Glasgow Sheriff Court, ABF
Grains Ltd (formerly known as Allied Bakers) will be sentenced having pleaded guilty to 3 of the 5 charges under Health & Safety Laws in the case concerning the death of Graham Meldrum. TNT Logistics have pleaded not guilty to the 5 charges against them. They pleaded not guilty because the sheriff would not allow them yet another extention at the last court hearing, however it is thought that they will change their plea to guilty to some charges on the 5th Nov. The Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign will meet at 1pm at the Tulip Inn across from the Nautical College and march with banners, drums, whistles past the Procurator Fiscal's office to the court chanting with loud-hailers;
Allied Bakers - MURDERERS1
Procurator Fiscal - DO YOUR JOB!
Everyone is welcome to demonstrate against Corporate Killers.
Notes to editors:
Graham Meldrum was killed in a workplace incident on the 12th of July 2005 at Allied Bakeries in the Balmore Industrial Estate. He was employed by Suziline Agency contracted to ABF Grains (formerly known as Allied Bakeries) & TNT Logistics UK. His death is now the subject of a prosecution under Health & Safety Laws.
...well here at the Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign we don't agree with that, work kills and maims. Families Against Corporate Killing (F.A.C.K.) estimate that 1,700 people are killed annually in workplace incidents; that's not including the thousands who die of occupational diseases. We refuse to use the word accident because over 70% of deaths and injuries are due to management health and safety issues. Like F.A.C.K. we want government action to implement laws of corporate manslaughter for employers who negligently kill and maim workers. If they take the profits they must take the responsibility.
We are disgusted at the slashing of the Health and Safety Executive's budget-meaning less inspections in an already under-resourced area. We call for more protection for all workers and seek corporate accountability through a change in Legislation. More importantly we ask you to look after yourselves, your work colleagues; no matter what pressure or expectations companies put on you don't do anything that is unsafe- don't put yourself or any of your fellow workers lives at risk.
We can't bring Graham back, or any of the countless others, but together we can fight to stop other needless deaths. # Other useful contacts:
F.A.C.K. (Families Against Corporate Killing)-
Centre For Corporate Accountability-
Simon Jones Memorial Campaign-
Health & Safety Executive-
Hazards Campaign-
Schnews- Corporate Watch-
STUC- Ian Tasker-
Paula Larkin
Development Worker
Document - International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
tel: 00 44 141 357 4212
m: 07765396226
Document 5
17th - 21st Oct 2007
Read more!
"For education, I get maths for 9 year olds, and then jigsaw puzzles, no they don't give you an education, and even if they did I don't think u can get educated in there when you know its really a prison."URGENT ACTION ALERT
Please help 14 year old Doncaster schoolgirl, Meltem Avcil, and her mother to be released from Yarl's Wood Detention Centre, where they has been held for OVER THREE MONTHS since August 2007.
Meltem and her mum are Kurdish. Meltem speaks with an English accent.
They fled persecution from Turkey to Germany in 2001. They were refused asylum in Germany and sought asylum in the UK. Meltem's most formative years have been spent here. She fears being deported back to Germany, and then Turkey, a country she says she simply does not know anymore.
In August 2007, 12 immigration officials carried out a dawn raid on the Avcil's family home in Doncaster. They were then taken to a police station, and driven in a caged van for 2 ½ hours to Yarls wood detention centre.
On Thursday 1 November 2007, Meltem and her mother were refused bail for a FIFTH time. We understand that the judge refused bail because she wanted medical evidence to show that Meltem 'does not want to stay Yarl's Wood'. It is unbelievable that a judge would want 'medical evidence' to ascertain whether a 14 year old girl - who has committed no crime whatsoever - would want to stay in Yarl's Wood, especially when that child is stood right in front of you at a bail hearing, and can speak English without an interpreter and is intelligent enough to understand any questions the judge might wish to put to her about whether she wants to stay in Yarls Wood.
We are very concerned about Meltem who has been incarcerated at Yarl's Wood for more than three months now and no one in authority seems to be concerned about this or the psychological trauma she is suffering as a result. After being refused bail the fourth time, she began to self-harm and cut her arms, something she has never done before. Some of you will remember the Ay family, who were detained at Dungavel immigration centre in Scotland for more than a year. They were granted indefinite leave to live in Germany on humanitarian grounds, after psychiatric reports showed they had been psychologically traumatised during their incarceration at Dungavel.
Speaking tearfully of her experience at Yarls Wood, Meltem said:
"I feel like I've committed a crime or something, I feel ashamed. They treat people like animals in here - it's no different from a jail. I've been living I this country for six yrs now and they want to deport me back to a country I don't even know.
"For education, I get maths for 9 year olds, and then jigsaw puzzles, no they don't give you n education, and even if they did I don't think u can get educated in there when you know its really a prison.
"I saw an officer slapping a little two year old baby because he was playing with lights. And a mother crying for her baby because they wouldn't take her to healthcare but baby was vomiting and had a high temperature. The officers were being really nasty like they're just lowering them down saying words to make them sadder."
Meltem went onto say she missed her school friends, and her teachers, including Mrs Jones (English), Mr Richardson (Science) and Miss Westoby (Drama). She said:
"At school I was good at science, maths, and history, I wanted to become a doctor. My teachers, they were really kind, and really tried to help me. I miss them all so much, just being a schoolchild and doing normal things, with my friends Kirsty, Charlotte and Natalie. .. I want just to get out of here and see my teachers and friends again. I want to stop seeing my mum so sad and crying".
Currently, there are 50 children being held in Yarls Wood, the oldest is Meltem and the youngest are babies.
Meltem's school was unaware until two days ago that she was still in the UK, or that she was in Yarl's Wood. At her school, Hall Cross Lower School, in Doncaster, Meltem was described by her teachers as a "Number 1 student".
Meltem and her mum were threatened with removal by Home Office officials on at least three previous occasions but have NEVER tried to abscond.
There are very good grounds for the family to remain in the UK.
The Avcil family's lawyer, Andrew Van As, is also still pursuing a judicial review on their behalf. (Meltem has spent her most formative years in this country, and has been at school here for more than five years, they have settled fully into their local community, and under the Ankara agreement they may have grounds to remain in the UK).
Please telephone, write to, email or fax the following individuals asking them to help Meltem Avcil. In all cases, please email copies of your correspondence and we will forward this to the lawyers and Meltem along with any messages of support.
Ask the Chief Immigration Officer to release Meltem Avcil and her mother from Yarls Wood so that Meltem can pursue her education at Hall Cross Lower School, Doncaster. Send your fax to:
R. Neligan
Duty chief immigration officer
Chief Immigration Office
B.I.A. North East Yorkshire & Humberside Enforcement Unit
FAX No: 01709501812
Ask the Secretary of state for the Home Department to allow Meltem Avcil and her mother be released from Yarls Wood and be allowed to pursue their judicial review and Meltem's education at Hall Cross Lower School, Doncaster.
Fax: 0208 196 3248
Rt Hon Rosie Winterton MP
Ask Rosie Winterton MP to intervene with the Secretary of State for Home Department and ask for Meltem Avcil and her mother be released from Yarls Wood and be allowed to pursue their judicial review and Meltem's education at Hall Cross Lower School, Doncaster.
Constituency office:
Room 9
The Trades and Labour Club
115 St Sepulchre Gate West
Tel: 01302 326297
Fax: 01302 342921
Parliamentary Office:
House of Commons
Tel. 0207 219 0925
Fax: 0207 219 2811
Ask the head teacher of Hall Cross Lower School to call for the release of Meltem so that she can resume her education in freedom until her asylum claim is settled.
Head teacher
Hall Cross Lower School
St. Michaels Road
South Yorkshire
Tel: 01302 535559
Fax: 01302 533960
Ask the Home Secretary to allow Meltem Avcil and her mother be released from Yarls Wood and be allowed to pursue their judicial review and Meltem's education at Hall Cross Lower School, Doncaster.
Fax: Jacqui Smith, Home Secretary on: 020 7035 4745.
OR write to:
Jacqui Smith
Minister for Immigration
Home Office
50 Queen Anne's Gate
London SW1H 9AT
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