City Strolls - events - meetings
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
This Saturday 21st October - Unite Against Islamophobia
Demo Called by Glasgow Stop the War Coalition and Muslim Association of Britain Saturday 21st October, 12 noon George Square, Glasgow
There is a feeding frenzy of anti-Muslim stories in the media that has contributed to taking Islamophobia to a new level:
* Jack Straw claimed that women wearing the niqab makes him feel 'uncomfortable' and creates social division
* John Reid lectured Muslim parents on how to bring up their children, implying that they are responsible for terrorism
* David Cameron got the headline with 'I'll smash Muslim ghettos'The up-shot of this is that Muslims are being verbally assaulted and even physically attacked. Recently, a mosque in Falkirk was fire-bombed, an Imam in a Glasgow mosque was seriously attacked and a woman in England had the veil ripped from her face.
Stop the War Coalition is proud to work with the Muslim Association of Britain to stop the war and terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. We will not allow politicians to whip up hysteria against Muslims. Everyone who is against racism, scapegoating and persecution just unite together and stand shoulder to shoulder on Saturday 21st October.
No justice No Peace!
Download the leaflet from (605kB)
Recent News from SACC
14 Oct - Imam attacked in Glasgow Mosque -
16 Oct - Update on the Benai Family of Kingsway, Glasgow -
16 Oct - Menezes family to fight cover-up -
16 Oct - SACC Press Release - Trial by Dodgy Dossier -
Islamophobia - What SACC says
9 Oct - SACC Press Release - Communities Minister rejects racism -
6 Oct - SACC Press Release - Ministers must stop fanning the flames of racism -
Urgent Action Alert - Cihan Atil belongs in Glasgow
Thirty one year old Cihan Atil was detained at the Brand Street Immigration centre on Tuesday last week. He has lived in Scotland for ten years and has been happily married to a Scottish woman, Lorraine, for the last five years. Cihan is a conscientious objector from Turkey - he faces imprisonment and possibly worse if he returns to Istanbul. He is currently being held in Manchester IRC and is due to be removed on fight TK1996 from Manchester airport at 13.30 hours on Wednesday 18th October. Cihan has made many friends in Scotland and with Lorraine has made a loving home here. Over the ten years he has lived in Scotland he has worked, paid council tax and even worked in Glasgow Sheriff Court for over two years.
We call for urgent action to stop Cihan being removed back to Turkey.
You can find a model letter (that you can copy/amend/write your own version) at and fax it to:
Liam Byrne Home Office Minister: 020 7035 4745
More info: The Unity Centre 30 Ibrox Street Glasgow G51 1AQ 0141 427 7992
Do you want to support asylum seekers like Cihan Atli ?
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Bob, 19:50