City Strolls - events - meetings
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Colin Murdo MacLeod of Gal Gael 1966 - 2005
Galgael web
As the anniversary of his passing approaches, help us remember a very special human being. We are hoping to compile these in to some form of a book, part poetic, part biographical …to capture in a lasting and inspiring way, the spirit of this man whose life touched so many. A book that will be a special place, where all of us who miss his empowering presence, can place our treasured memories for future times to come.Who are we asking to contribute?
· family
· kith & kin
· GalGael folk
· Pollok Free Staters
· old friends
· & the witness of the stranger
What can you contribute?
We will be using a broad range of media to try and capture the sheer breadth of Colin’s character and contribution to his community and environment. So, we would greatly appreciate if you have any of the following you could share with us;
· Colin’s writings; letters, posters & articles
· poems, he wrote or written about him
· things he said, he was full of powerful one-liners
· special or significant photos of him or his carvings including things he created large and small
· his inspirations; people, special places in Scotland
· anecdotes, stories & memories, from the heart - these might seem amazingly significant or be personal to you
How can you contribute?
You can either use the slip over leaf to send us your contribution, using the stamped addressed envelope provided, or if you have web access, you can contribute online at . We will of course return any sentimental items. If you have any questions… or a carving sitting in your garden that you think we should come and photograph, then you can call us at GalGael, 0141 427 3070. And if you know anyone else we should contact, please let us know or ask them to read this also….they can send stuff in on any bit of paper.
We want to have as many voices contributing to this as possible. Obviously, there will be overlap, and so we hope that you can send us your thoughts in a spirit that will contribute to the whole, but which may or may not appear as an individual contribution in the book. What we are seeking is to gather together the contribution of many tributaries to harmonise into one mighty flow. This will require careful discernment and melding, but our hope is that out of the diversity we can give birth to an artistic harmony that truly and elegantly represents the range of what Colin meant to so many different people.
We’re not looking for essays…but rather short pithy contributions straight from the heart. In fact, that’s more important than grammatical correctness. Rather than a book of remembrance, we want this to be a book about his life, a life he lived to the very fullest, so in your writings, try and bear this in mind.
We hope you will be able to find a quiet 5 or 10 mins to give this some thought or dig out some of those special items. It’s kind of a tight timescale, but if you could get things to us in the next couple of weeks and by the 16th October if at all possible, that would help immensely.
Okay, so when you have a quiet moment, please give us your stories below, or on any bit of paper. These might reflect his unique blend of politics and passion, or the environmentalist - the archetypal eco-warrior, the school boy, the family man, the stone carver, his natural chieftainship, his emerging vision & inspirations, or his prophetic banter. Equally, a basic account of a personal encounter that had meaning for you would be appreciated or just tell us a particular thing you remember about Colin, or something he said that was particularly inspiring.
Thank you for your contributions, together they will tell the story of Colin Macleod, in a way that is larger than life, just as he is forever in our memories.
Mo cairdean gu léir
GalGael : 15 Fairley Street : Ibrox : Glasgow : G51 2SN : 0141 427 3070 :
Bob, 13:21