City Strolls - events - meetings
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Carnival of Health, Nov 11th
Everything is starting to come together for the climate change event on
November 11th. We have arranged a pedal and solar powered stage for Glasgow
Green, musicians, tai chi, huge carnival flowers, bunting, stalls… I attach
a copy of the latest flyer for you to peruse, print and pass around.So we need a few folks to help out with creative goodies for example scribed
messages for people to carry on the procession; stage decorations; banners
with deep, meaningful, humourful messages; and world climate change
information boards for the 'eco-healthy world circuit'.
To help us enjoy the preparation just as much as the actual day it would be
great to have many to participate so that a few are not burning themselves
out - like the planet! The dates both this week and next are Tuesday (31st
Oct and 7th Nov) and Wednesday (1st and 8th Nov) evenings from 5.30pm until
about 8.30pm (or as late as the kids can stay up!) at the Carnival Arts,
Glasgow - Carnival Arts is at 34 Albion Street (which is in the Merchant
City off Argyle Street, left at Tron theatre) through brown doors and up to
the second level.
If you cant make any of these dates but would still like to help out in some
way then please contact me at the email address below. And of course if just
want to come along on the day and chill out, it will be fantastic to see you
For the saplings,
or phone Danny on 07717200005
Bob, 16:51