City Strolls - events - meetings
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomous update 30 March
This weekend brings a choice of ways to get involved in anti-war activity. It's the last weekend of Faslane Peace Camp's work month, so why not head up and help them out - and if you can't make it just now, visitors are always welcome. Closer to home, tonight's Hands Off Iran meeting and the regular anti-war picket on Saturday give plenty of opportunity to get involved.On Friday, get on yer bike again for Critical Mass - and enjoy some films after at the Saorsa Social Centre's party. Have a good week!
- Saorsa Social Centre Party - Friday 31st March
- Chalkboard Social Centre - ongoing
- GAP Meeting at the Chalkboard - Monday 3rd April
- IWW meeting at the Chalkboard - Wednesday 5th April
- Freedom Readers Group - Thursday 20th April
- Saorsa Social Centre - ongoing
- Unity demo - Saturday 8th April
- Please Support the Raja family - ongoing
- Donate to No Borders Glasgow - ongoing
- Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
- Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
- TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
- No Borders Glasgow - new group
- Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
- Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - alternate Mondays
- Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - alternate Thursdays
- Troops Out of Iraq/Hands off Iran meeting - Thursday 30th March
- Faslane Peace Camp work month - Friday 17th March - Sunday 9th April
- Faslane 365 meeting - Thursday 6th April
- Anti-war vigil - every Wednesday
- Faslane 365, get involved! - ongoing
- Vanunu Freedom Ride from Faslane - Friday 7th April
- Meet the Army - Friday 11th May
- Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
- Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
- Join the Direct Action Against War network - ongoing
- Talamh needs a gardener!
- Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
- Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 31st March
- Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 30th March
- Free Gaelic Classes - Saturday 1st April
- Celtic Fire Festival to celebrate Mayday - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April
Saorsa Social Centre Party - Friday 31st March
7pm onwards
Films - Food - Music - Bar
Come join us for a party at the SAORSA SOCIAL CENTRE this Friday.
The films we'll be showing are a collection of CYCLING SHORTS, including
gratuitous Mountain Biking (to cater for the Critical Massers) and (maybe)
V FOR VENDETTA ("Imbecilic", says Alan Moore: see if he's right).
Music from funky DJ AB-SENSE and warming winter food from the Rebel Cafe
All welcome, please forward this invitation widely.
The Saorsa Centre is located at 674 Pollokshaws Road.
The nearest underground station is Bridge Street. Turn left out of the
station onto Pollokshaws Road. Keep walking until you get to the
Any bus going towards Eglington Toll (e.g. 38, 38A and 45) will take you
there, just get just past the MuckDonalds and keep walking in the same
Cross over the Calder Street junction and keep walking until you spot
Flames Takeaway on the right-hand-side. The social centre is through the
gated archway to the right of Flames. We're round the back and the
entrance is to the right behind the big crate.
Chalkboard Social Centre - ongoing
A space for dropping in, having a chat and participating in the community. A variety of radical and community groups meet here regularly. Come along and see for yourself!
Open 2pm-7pm, Wed-Sun
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
GAP meeting at the Chalkboard - Monday 3rd April
We hold weekly meetings in our social centre, the Georges Cross Chalkboard, at 8pm on Mondays. Everything to do with how the centre is run is decided at the Monday meeting.
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
All who agree with our vision statement are welcome at our meetings:
"We strive for a sustainable society where all people are free to live
their lives as they see fit without fear of oppression, persecution or
marginalization insofar as this does not prevent others from doing the
same. We see this fulfilled thru a society built upon principles of
co-operation, solidarity, mutual-aid, direct democracy and freedom of
If you are interested in coming along this week please send an email to
IWW meeting at the Chalkboard - Wednesday 5th April
Radical union for workers not bosses. New members can sign up at meetings.
7.45 for 8pm
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
Freedom Readers Group at the Chalkboard - Thursday 20th April
Anarchist reading and discussion group. 6.10pm-7.40pm
Saorsa Social Centre
Open from 2pm every day except Saturdays and Sundays
Regular meetings in Saorsa:
Alternate Mondays: 7.30pm Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - raising money for medical clinics in Chiapas
Tuesdays: 7.30pm Reshape Glasgow - set up to protest against the G8 but now campaigning against globalisation, corporations, etc
Wednesdays: Open platform - films, talks, social events - as and when we arrange them
Thursdays: 7.30pm G42 Collective meetings - the collective responsible for maintaining the social centre (we always need new people!)
Sundays: 5pm Sunday Social nights - bring food to share or add to the pot. An evening to chat and chill out.
Want to use the Social Centre for meetings or other events - phone 0141 423 9055 after 2pm to arrange it!
Unity demo - Saturday 8th April
All asylum seekers and friends join the protest!
END Dawn Raids
NO MORE Detentions
FOR the Right to Work
Organised by UNITY - the Scottish Union of Asylum Seekers
and Glasgow No Borders Network
11.30am Meet outside the Home Office Immigration Centre, Brand Street, near Cessnock Underground.
12.30: March to George Square
2pm Indoor rally with refreshments and food. Trades Hall, Glassford Street in Glasgow City Centre
Bring banners, placards and you friends!
United we can stop the detentions, dawn raids, deportations and destitution!
0141 427 7992 for more details or
Please Support the Raja family - ongoing
Asad and Tahira Raja are currently living in a small cold flat in Sighthill with their small baby. They have lost all NASS benefits. They have no income. They are living with their baby in cold and unsuitable accommodation and are surviving on food parcels and charity and a small amount of money paid out by Social Services to help with their child.
In April 2005, Asad and Tahira learnt that UK Home Office had refused their claim for asylum. The family say that they have never received any formal letter advising of this decision, and their lawyer confirmed that nothing had been communicated to his office in reference to this asylum decision. Asad and Tahira only discovered this negative decision when they received a letter from NASS in April 2005 notifying the couple that they would no longer be in receipt of any NASS support because of their negative asylum decision.
Please print off and send this letter to McNulty back to the campaign. More details:
Donate to No Borders Glasgow - ongoing
No Borders, with other groups and individuals, are planning to open an office early in March. We need volunteers to help renovate and decorate the office to get it ready. We also need office equipment such as some desks and chairs, filing cabinets and computers. If you can help – either with painting, etc or with office equipment - please get in touch or leave a message on 0141 423 9055
Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
10am - 12 noon
Picket/Vigil outside Brand Street Immigration Centre (near Cessnock Underground - turn left out of station and then left into Brand Street - the Immigration offices are about 200m along Brand St.)
Stop dawn raids and deportations!
Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
Teaching English
GCtWR’s English & Support Class in Sighthill is needing some help with the
crèche side of its regular Thursday evening class (between 7pm and 9pm). If
you are interested and are either Disclosure checked or prepared to be, then
please contact Sheila on 07718 896 041.
TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
Do you have qualifications in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Adult Literacy Education? The Saorsa Social Centre is planning to start free, fortnightly, English Language classes in the New Year and are looking for more people to help with this. Get in touch if you can help.
Saorsa Social Centre
674 Pollokshaws Road
0141 423 9055
No Borders Glasgow - new group
No Borders Glasgow is committed to practical solidarity, mutual aid and
direct action in the fight against deportation, detention, poverty and
The main thing for us at the moment is being involved in the growing
resistance to deportations in Glasgow - e.g. the recent occupation of the
Immigration Reporting Centre in Govan - while putting forward the
arguments against all migration controls (often ignored or opposed by
other groups).
We have a weblog for updates on actions, campaigns,meetings, links to
other groups etc at and a discussion/updates email
list at:
No Borders Glasgow
Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
Over the last few weeks Positive Action in Housing has needed to find homes for
several refugees who have been evicted or who have unstable living situations.
They would like people to get in touch if you have a spare room in your house
and would like to welcome a refugee into your home.
Positive Action in Housing Ltd, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ
tel: 0141 353 2220
fax: 0141 353 3882
Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
2pm-4pm at the Junction of Hope St. and Sauchiehall St. (opposite Watt Bros.) The Scottish PSC stall attracts supporters to sign petitions or sign-up sheets, get information about coming meetings and events, collect literature, or buy a ribbon, tee-shirt or Palestinian headscraf (kiffeya) and more.
Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - alternate Thursdays
A small group of Glasgow based individuals are attempting to start a peer to peer internet radio broadcast and are looking for others interested in such a project with or without expertise. It would be good if some of those interested came with some expertise as we have very little.
Meetings usually alternate Thursdays in the Saorsa Social Centre.
Contact via
Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - alternate Mondays
7.30pm, in the Saorsa Social Centre.
Supporting the Zapatista struggle in Chiapas, Mexico .
Troops Out of Iraq/Hands off Iran meeting - Thursday 30th March
At The Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place( near St.George's Cross underground)
7.30 pm
All welcome who oppose war.
To discuss the current situation, ongoing developments and how we can actively oppose an attack on Iran.
Faslane 365 meeting - Thursday 6th April
7.30 in Lansdowne Church, Glasgow
(junction of Gt. Western Road and Park Road, close to Kelvinbridge underground
This meeting is organised by Local Heroes affinity group of Trident
Ploughshares but all we are doing is starting the process – the blockade will
be owned by the group which is formed. It is aimed at people who are not
already involved with Faslane 365 with another group.
F365 already has strong support from 48 organisations
Contacts: Phone 0141 339 1482
Faslane Peace Camp work month - Friday 17th March - Sunday 9th April
Work month: - Every weekend for the next month we are aiming to tidy camp,
Anyone with specific skills get in touch ( 01436 820901 )
Painters, builders ANYTHING !
17th-19th March, Sort out Accommodation areas, Build new toilet,
Sort out Tat piles (recycling, fort, sculptures etc)
24 th-26th March, Sort out Grey water system, Rain collection,
Plumbing/ new Bathroom
People with plumbing/building experience would be helpful.
31ST March-2nd April, Paint weekend!! Time to give the place a face-lift.
Would be easier (and cheaper) if you brought yer own paint, but we shall have
some. Cover the place, pictures, walls, roofs..
7th-9th April, Defence Building Weekend.
Walkways, lock ons, treehouses, and whatever else we can come up with ;p
Would be good to have some climbers, diggers etc this weekend.
Finishing with the “Mischief of Defence Parteee”
Be there or, a pear….
camp phone 01436 820 901
web site
Anti-war vigil - every Wednesday
5-6pm demonstration at Donald Dewar statue. If its
really raining, look for people in Dino's nearby.
Faslane 365, get involved! - ongoing
Faslane 365 is a civil resistance project focussed in Scotland to apply critical public pressure for the disarmament of Britain's nuclear weapons by a continuous peaceful blockade of the Trident base at Faslane.
We are inviting groups and individuals from a wide range of public interest organisations to join in the blockade and to use the opportunity to raise awareness of the issues that each group is working on and to make the links between its core issues and how the UK's nuclear weapons system affects them.
Vanunu Freedom Ride from Faslane - Friday 7th April
On 21st April 2006, Mordechai Vanunu will have been held captive in Israel for 20 years. His crime? Letting the world know about Israel's nuclear weapons.
A bike ride will set out from the Faslane Nuclear Base just north
west of Glasgow on Friday 7th April and make its way south over a two
week period, arriving in London on 21st April 2006. The first stop
will be Glasgow University, where Vanunu is the Rector; the riders
will then continue via Carlisle, Manchester, Birmingham, Oxford,
arriving in London on the anniversary of Mordechai's release from
prison 2 years ago.
Get in touch:
Vanunu Freedom Ride, c/o London Region CND, Mordechai Vanunu House,162 Holloway Road, London N7 8DQ
Tel: 0845 458 1965
Meet the Army - Friday 11th May
The army is having an info presentation on Thurs 11th
May buffet, presentation & question session - sounds
an interesting "opportunity to question the Army
Presentation Team on any topic that you feel is
relevant". To book your place call 01276 417000 or
P.S. You may feel the current situation in Iraq merits discussion....
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of direct action to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 miles north of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week, or longer!
Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from Jamaica Street to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peace camp.
For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 901
Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
All fliers, information etc relating to the war, welcome.
Donald Dewar Statue, Buchanan St.
Join the Direct Action Against War network - ongoing
Visit us:
To join our network, please send a blank email to the address below, & then wait for the confirmation message:
The DAAW message board was initially created in Jan 2003 to improve communication around direct action, as protests and demonstrations were carried out to protest the arrival of US B52 Bombers to the RAF Airbase in the otherwise sleepy Cotswold village of Fairford. Since then the message board has become home to a wide range of campaigns and protests, from info on the next Disarm DSEi 2005, to planning objections to the expansion of the Atomic Weapons establishment, to defending the right to protest in Parliament Square.
Most events or actions which are asking more than just the signing of another petition, or which are more than another march from point A to point B, will be considered for approval as a form of direct action.
We look forward to receiving your subscription request.
Talamh needs a gardener!
Talamh Housing Co-op is looking for a new member who has enthusiasm and
time enough spare to co-ordinate gardening. Talamh has a large
productive polytunnel, organic veg terraces, and soft fruit bushes.
Talamh grows for those living here, and we'd like to increase this
amount but need help to do this from someone keen to help co-ordinate
growing for next year.
Anyone who is interested, and thinks they'd like to live in a busy,
sometimes chaotic community, but fun too, is welcome to visit and stay
to see what they think. Talamh is home to 10 adults, 4 children,
visitors, 4 dogs, a cat, and chickens. It's a member of Radical Routes,
a network of co-ops working for social change.
Contact: or phone 01555 820555 or 820550
Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
Over the time of the G8 summit, Southside residents and visiting anti-G8 activists started to create a community garden. People are welcome along at any time to enjoy and add to the garden.
The garden is behind the billboards at Eglinton Toll. Bus Numbers 44,22,23,57
Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 31st March
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ride
through Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, less hostile.
All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 30th March
The Glasgow Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army meets weekly on Thursdays at 5:50 in the upstairs gallery of the Lansdowne Church (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).
Come along to clown around and plot sinister plans for revolutionary silliness. Contact Major Pan-Sweat,
Free Gaelic Classes - Saturday 1st April
Weekly GAELIC CLASSES at Saorsa Social Centre.
If you're interested in learning Gaelic - come along.
Celtic Fire Festival to celebrate Mayday - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April
Re-introducing the Celtic tradition of celebrating Beltane to welcome summer with fire all things fire, dance and music. This will include skill sharing and re-empowering ourselves with the ancients’ knowledge of community development, when history and troubled times were handed down thru song, and altho’ the road was long, there was support and trust in the Celtic community.
Now, more than ever, we need to open our hearts and minds to embrace the differences within, and outside of our own cultures.
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
If you like these emails and find them useful, why not ask your friends to join as well?
George's X Chalkboard,
34 Clarendon Place, G20 7PZ
0141 332 2902
Open 2pm-7pm most days - more volunteers needed if we want it open more often!
A place to have a cup of tea in a friendly, non commercial space, read a book or magazine and find out about stuff that's going on in the city, the country and the rest of the world.
A meeting place for wayward souls.
A resource centre for groups fighting for autonomy, freedom, solidarity, equality, sustainability, mutual aid and peace against poverty, war and oppression.
If you would like to contribute to the project financially please note the following details. We are looking for one-off donations but especially standing orders.
Account Name: "Printworks"
Sort Code: 11 47 21
Account Number: 00026891
Halifax / Bank of Scotland
Read more!
Minister for misery in Glasgow (Go meet him)
visit by Home Office Minister Tony Mc Nulty who is responsible for asylum. He will be visiting Glasgow City Chambrs on MondayUpdate on where he will be treated to hospitality etc. Before hand he will be giving a press conference at the Radisson Hotel on Argyle Street near to Roberston Street. There will be a demo at the Radisson from 8.30 am then at Glasgow City Chambers front entrance from around 9.30am. We believe he will be in the chambers from around 10 till 1pm. I will b at Chambers from 9.30. People can come along at any time right up till 1pm. It would be good if we could maintain a picket throughout his visit. Mc Nulty will be enjoying hospitality paid for by tax payers whilst many of our new citizens are destitute and living off charity and fresh air. Lets give him the welcome he deserves. Rosie
Read more!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
from 7pm onwardsFilms - Food - Music - BarCome join us for a party at the SAORSA SOCIAL CENTRE this Friday.The films we'll be showing are a collection of CYCLING SHORTS, includin gratuitous Mountain Biking (to cater for the Critical Massers) and (maybe)V FOR VENDETTA ("Imbecilic", says Alan Moore: see if he's right).Music from funky DJ AB-SENSE and warming winter food from the Rebel Cafe
All welcome, please forward this invitation widely.
The Saorsa Centre is located at 674 Pollokshaws Road.
The nearest underground station is Bridge Street. Turn left out of the
station onto Pollokshaws Road. Keep walking until you get to the
Any bus going towards Eglington Toll (e.g. 38, 38A and 45) will take you
there, just get just past the MuckDonalds and keep walking in the same
Cross over the Calder Street junction and keep walking until you spot
Flames Takeaway on the right-hand-side. The social centre is through the
gated archway to the right of Flames. We're round the back and the
entrance is to the right behind the big crate.
To stop receiving these emails write to
Read more!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Free Computers! event happening at the Saorsa Social centre this Sunday from 3pm...
The aim is to demystify computers and free software etc
Read more!
During the day there'll be demonstrations of lots of Free software (inc OpenOffice) programs that you can use for browsing the internet, reading (& encrypting) email, word processing, spreadsheets, working with pictures and photographs, playing / downloading / "ripping" music and films.There'll be people there who are experts at computer stuff and people to stop the experts from scaring off everyone else...
And in the evening there'll be food and stuff.
While I'm here, a wee reminder about the *Joe Hill* film screening at
the Soarsa tomorrow at 7.30, too. Hope to see you there.
chris h
Read more!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Govan Night at the Pearce
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomous update 22 March
This Sunday is Mother's Day, so what better time to support refugee families in Scotland? If you can, please get along to the Mother's Day demostration at Dungavel detention centre. Or, if that's not possible, take a look at the Refugees section for details of how you can support the Raja and Bajaj families in their struggle to stay in Scotland. Have a good week!
- Chalkboard Social Centre - ongoing
- GAP Meeting at the Chalkboard - Monday 27th March
- IWW meeting at the Chalkboard - Wednesday 5th April
- Freedom Readers Group - Thursday 20th April
- Saorsa Social Centre - ongoing
- Save Our Schools meeting - Wednesday 22nd March
- Mother's Day Solidarity at Dungavel Detention Centre - Sunday 26th March
- Please Support the Raja family - ongoing
- Help the Bajaj family - ongoing
- Donate to No Borders Glasgow - ongoing
- Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
- Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
- TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
- No Borders Glasgow - new group
- Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
-Chomsky speaks on the US - Tuesday 28th March
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
- Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - alternate Mondays
- Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - alternate Thursdays
- Faslane Peace Camp work month - Friday 17th March - Sunday 9th April
- Faslane 365 meeting - Thursday 6th April
- Anti-war vigil - every Wednesday
- Faslane 365, get involved! - ongoing
- Help organise Vanunu Freedom Ride from Faslane - ongoing
- Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
- Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
- Join the Direct Action Against War network - ongoing
- Talamh needs a gardener!
- Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
- Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 31st March
- Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 23rd March
- Free Gaelic Classes - Saturday 25th March
- Celtic Fire Festival to celebrate Mayday - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April
Chalkboard Social Centre - ongoing
A space for dropping in, having a chat and participating in the community. A variety of radical and community groups meet here regularly. Come along and see for yourself!
Open 2pm-7pm, Wed-Sun
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
GAP meeting at the Chalkboard - Monday 27th March
We hold weekly meetings in our social centre, the Georges Cross Chalkboard, at 8pm on Mondays. Everything to do with how the centre is run is decided at the Monday meeting.
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
All who agree with our vision statement are welcome at our meetings:
"We strive for a sustainable society where all people are free to live
their lives as they see fit without fear of oppression, persecution or
marginalization insofar as this does not prevent others from doing the
same. We see this fulfilled thru a society built upon principles of
co-operation, solidarity, mutual-aid, direct democracy and freedom of
If you are interested in coming along this week please send an email to
IWW meeting at the Chalkboard - Wednesday 5th April
Radical union for workers not bosses. New members can sign up at meetings.
7.45 for 8pm
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
Freedom Readers Group at the Chalkboard - Thursday 20th April
Anarchist reading and discussion group. 6.10pm-7.40pm
Saorsa Social Centre
Open from 2pm every day except Saturdays and Sundays
Regular meetings in Saorsa:
Alternate Mondays: 7.30pm Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - raising money for medical clinics in Chiapas
Tuesdays: 7.30pm Reshape Glasgow - set up to protest against the G8 but now campaigning against globalisation, corporations, etc
Wednesdays: Open platform - films, talks, social events - as and when we arrange them
Thursdays: 7.30pm G42 Collective meetings - the collective responsible for maintaining the social centre (we always need new people!)
Sundays: 5pm Sunday Social nights - bring food to share or add to the pot. An evening to chat and chill out.
Want to use the Social Centre for meetings or other events - phone 0141 423 9055 after 2pm to arrange it!
Save Our Schools meeting - Wednesday 22nd March
Opposing closures of local schools.
Dowanhill Primary School, Highburgh Road
Mother's Day Solidarity at Dungavel Detention Centre - Sunday 26th March
Ayrshire Friends Of The Refugees Group
Mother's Day Solidarity Gathering
Dungavel Detention Centre, 1.00pm
The gathering should last approximately an hour and there will be some
speakers, music and a chance to hand in Cards & Gifts. For further information
contact Arthur on:
07803 936228
Please Support the Raja family - ongoing
Asad and Tahira Raja are currently living in a small cold flat in Sighthill with their small baby. They have lost all NASS benefits. They have no income. They are living with their baby in cold and unsuitable accommodation and are surviving on food parcels and charity and a small amount of money paid out by Social Services to help with their child.
In April 2005, Asad and Tahira learnt that UK Home Office had refused their claim for asylum. The family say that they have never received any formal letter advising of this decision, and their lawyer confirmed that nothing had been communicated to his office in reference to this asylum decision. Asad and Tahira only discovered this negative decision when they received a letter from NASS in April 2005 notifying the couple that they would no longer be in receipt of any NASS support because of their negative asylum decision.
Please print off and send this letter to McNulty back to the campaign. More details:
Help the Bajaj family - ongoing
For background, see
Write/fax or email the Minister for Immigration and Asylum, Tony McNulty.
*Quote the Home Office Reference Number: B1107557
Ask the Minister to look urgently at this case, and to grant protection to
the family.
Write to:
Tony McNulty, Immigration Minister
Home Office
3rd Floor, Peel Building
2 Marsham Street
London, SW1P 4DF
Fax: 020 7219 2417 from outside the UK + 44 20 7219 2417
Please copy letters, faxes and emails to:
Bajaj Campaign
The Unity Centre
31 Ibrox Street
Glasgow G51 1SN
Donate to No Borders Glasgow - ongoing
No Borders, with other groups and individuals, are planning to open an office early in March. We need volunteers to help renovate and decorate the office to get it ready. We also need office equipment such as some desks and chairs, filing cabinets and computers. If you can help – either with painting, etc or with office equipment - please get in touch or leave a message on 0141 423 9055
Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
10am - 12 noon
Picket/Vigil outside Brand Street Immigration Centre (near Cessnock Underground - turn left out of station and then left into Brand Street - the Immigration offices are about 200m along Brand St.)
Stop dawn raids and deportations!
Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
Teaching English
GCtWR’s English & Support Class in Sighthill is needing some help with the
crèche side of its regular Thursday evening class (between 7pm and 9pm). If
you are interested and are either Disclosure checked or prepared to be, then
please contact Sheila on 07718 896 041.
TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
Do you have qualifications in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Adult Literacy Education? The Saorsa Social Centre is planning to start free, fortnightly, English Language classes in the New Year and are looking for more people to help with this. Get in touch if you can help.
Saorsa Social Centre
674 Pollokshaws Road
0141 423 9055
No Borders Glasgow - new group
No Borders Glasgow is committed to practical solidarity, mutual aid and
direct action in the fight against deportation, detention, poverty and
The main thing for us at the moment is being involved in the growing
resistance to deportations in Glasgow - e.g. the recent occupation of the
Immigration Reporting Centre in Govan - while putting forward the
arguments against all migration controls (often ignored or opposed by
other groups).
We have a weblog for updates on actions, campaigns,meetings, links to
other groups etc at and a discussion/updates email
list at:
No Borders Glasgow
Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
Over the last few weeks Positive Action in Housing has needed to find homes for
several refugees who have been evicted or who have unstable living situations.
They would like people to get in touch if you have a spare room in your house
and would like to welcome a refugee into your home.
Positive Action in Housing Ltd, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ
tel: 0141 353 2220
fax: 0141 353 3882
Chomsky speaks on the US - Tuesday 28th March
for more information please contact: surfraz
Noam Chomsky is giving a talk on "The USA - Deterring Democracy from South
America to Palestine," followed by a question and answer session with his
audience in several Scottish cities.
The talk, by video link from MIT in Boston, to Scottish universities on Tuesday
March 28th at 7pm is sponsored by the Pilger for Rector Coalition at Edinburgh
Glasgow venue: Boyd Orr Building (Room 412), Glasgow University, University
Tickets cost £2 and are available for sale from:
Stables Gallery (near Glasgow University)
635 Great Western Road
Contact: 07906 383 820
Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
2pm-4pm at the Junction of Hope St. and Sauchiehall St. (opposite Watt Bros.) The Scottish PSC stall attracts supporters to sign petitions or sign-up sheets, get information about coming meetings and events, collect literature, or buy a ribbon, tee-shirt or Palestinian headscraf (kiffeya) and more.
Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - alternate Thursdays
A small group of Glasgow based individuals are attempting to start a peer to peer internet radio broadcast and are looking for others interested in such a project with or without expertise. It would be good if some of those interested came with some expertise as we have very little.
Meetings usually alternate Thursdays in the Saorsa Social Centre.
Contact via
Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - alternate Mondays
7.30pm, in the Saorsa Social Centre.
Supporting the Zapatista struggle in Chiapas, Mexico .
Faslane 365 meeting - Thursday 6th April
7.30 in Lansdowne Church, Glasgow
(junction of Gt. Western Road and Park Road, close to Kelvinbridge underground
This meeting is organised by Local Heroes affinity group of Trident
Ploughshares but all we are doing is starting the process – the blockade will
be owned by the group which is formed. It is aimed at people who are not
already involved with Faslane 365 with another group.
F365 already has strong support from 48 organisations
Contacts: Phone 0141 339 1482
Faslane Peace Camp work month - Friday 17th March - Sunday 9th April
Work month: - Every weekend for the next month we are aiming to tidy camp,
Anyone with specific skills get in touch ( 01436 820901 )
Painters, builders ANYTHING !
17th-19th March, Sort out Accommodation areas, Build new toilet,
Sort out Tat piles (recycling, fort, sculptures etc)
24 th-26th March, Sort out Grey water system, Rain collection,
Plumbing/ new Bathroom
People with plumbing/building experience would be helpful.
31ST March-2nd April, Paint weekend!! Time to give the place a face-lift.
Would be easier (and cheaper) if you brought yer own paint, but we shall have
some. Cover the place, pictures, walls, roofs..
7th-9th April, Defence Building Weekend.
Walkways, lock ons, treehouses, and whatever else we can come up with ;p
Would be good to have some climbers, diggers etc this weekend.
Finishing with the “Mischief of Defence Parteee”
Be there or, a pear….
camp phone 01436 820 901
web site
Anti-war vigil - every Wednesday
5-6pm demonstration at Donald Dewar statue. If its
really raining, look for people in Dino's nearby.
Faslane 365, get involved! - ongoing
Faslane 365 is a civil resistance project focussed in Scotland to apply critical public pressure for the disarmament of Britain's nuclear weapons by a continuous peaceful blockade of the Trident base at Faslane.
We are inviting groups and individuals from a wide range of public interest organisations to join in the blockade and to use the opportunity to raise awareness of the issues that each group is working on and to make the links between its core issues and how the UK's nuclear weapons system affects them.
Help organise Vanunu Freedom Ride from Faslane - ongoing
On 21st April 2006, Mordechai Vanunu will have been held captive in Israel for 20 years. His crime? Letting the world know about Israel's nuclear weapons.
A bike ride will set out from the Faslane Nuclear Base just north
west of Glasgow on Friday 7th April and make its way south over a two
week period, arriving in London on 21st April 2006. The first stop
will be Glasgow University, where Vanunu is the Rector; the riders
will then continue via Carlisle, Manchester, Birmingham, Oxford,
arriving in London on the anniversary of Mordechai's release from
prison 2 years ago.
The organisers would like help with:
1) offers of accommodation overnight (beds or floor-space) if you are
on the route of the ride.
2) organising events such as public meetings/film showings;
3) contacting local media;
4) ideas you and your group may have about events that could be held
in your local area to coincide with the Vanunu Freedom Ride;
5) donations towards the costs for organising the Ride.
6) people to join in with the ride!
Get in touch:
Vanunu Freedom Ride, c/o London Region CND, Mordechai Vanunu House,162 Holloway Road, London N7 8DQ
Tel: 0845 458 1965
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of direct action to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 miles north of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week, or longer!
Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from Jamaica Street to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peace camp.
For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 901
Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
All fliers, information etc relating to the war, welcome.
Buchanan St, outside Borders bookshop.
Join the Direct Action Against War network - ongoing
Visit us:
To join our network, please send a blank email to the address below, & then wait for the confirmation message:
The DAAW message board was initially created in Jan 2003 to improve communication around direct action, as protests and demonstrations were carried out to protest the arrival of US B52 Bombers to the RAF Airbase in the otherwise sleepy Cotswold village of Fairford. Since then the message board has become home to a wide range of campaigns and protests, from info on the next Disarm DSEi 2005, to planning objections to the expansion of the Atomic Weapons establishment, to defending the right to protest in Parliament Square.
Most events or actions which are asking more than just the signing of another petition, or which are more than another march from point A to point B, will be considered for approval as a form of direct action.
We look forward to receiving your subscription request.
Talamh needs a gardener!
Talamh Housing Co-op is looking for a new member who has enthusiasm and
time enough spare to co-ordinate gardening. Talamh has a large
productive polytunnel, organic veg terraces, and soft fruit bushes.
Talamh grows for those living here, and we'd like to increase this
amount but need help to do this from someone keen to help co-ordinate
growing for next year.
Anyone who is interested, and thinks they'd like to live in a busy,
sometimes chaotic community, but fun too, is welcome to visit and stay
to see what they think. Talamh is home to 10 adults, 4 children,
visitors, 4 dogs, a cat, and chickens. It's a member of Radical Routes,
a network of co-ops working for social change.
Contact: or phone 01555 820555 or 820550
Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
Over the time of the G8 summit, Southside residents and visiting anti-G8 activists started to create a community garden. People are welcome along at any time to enjoy and add to the garden.
The garden is behind the billboards at Eglinton Toll. Bus Numbers 44,22,23,57
Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 31st March
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ride
through Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, less hostile.
All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 23rd March
The Glasgow Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army meets weekly on Thursdays at 5:50 in the upstairs gallery of the Lansdowne Church (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).
Come along to clown around and plot sinister plans for revolutionary silliness. Contact Major Pan-Sweat,
Free Gaelic Classes - Saturday 25th March
Weekly GAELIC CLASSES at Saorsa Social Centre.
If you're interested in learning Gaelic - come along.
Celtic Fire Festival to celebrate Mayday - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April
Re-introducing the Celtic tradition of celebrating Beltane to welcome summer with fire all things fire, dance and music. This will include skill sharing and re-empowering ourselves with the ancients’ knowledge of community development, when history and troubled times were handed down thru song, and altho’ the road was long, there was support and trust in the Celtic community.
Now, more than ever, we need to open our hearts and minds to embrace the differences within, and outside of our own cultures.
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
If you like these emails and find them useful, why not ask your friends to join as well?
George's X Chalkboard,
34 Clarendon Place, G20 7PZ
0141 332 2902
Open 2pm-7pm most days - more volunteers needed if we want it open more often!
A place to have a cup of tea in a friendly, non commercial space, read a book or magazine and find out about stuff that's going on in the city, the country and the rest of the world.
A meeting place for wayward souls.
A resource centre for groups fighting for autonomy, freedom, solidarity, equality, sustainability, mutual aid and peace against poverty, war and oppression.
If you would like to contribute to the project financially please note the following details. We are looking for one-off donations but especially standing orders.
Account Name: "Printworks"
Sort Code: 11 47 21
Account Number: 00026891
Halifax / Bank of Scotland
Read more!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Stronger communities is what will sustain community housing, not hollow promises from housing bosses
Over 50 tenants met at the Woodside Hall on 16th March to discuss common problems throughout the Burgh and the need to set up residents groups to resist demolitions and fight for repairs.The meeting had an interesting balance of speakers supplying the audience with the background to the social housing situation - that is battling to survive amidst Glasgow City Council and the Glasgow Housing Association's strategy, best described, given the evidence, as bent on destroying community.The meeting discussed the up and coming tenant and homeowners networking confrence and gave some enlightenment on the fallout that will arise from Second Stage Stock Transfer. The audience heard from representatives of two local residents groups. One recently set up in Hamiltonill on the back of an overcrowded, angry public meeting where over 70 people from the local estate were in attendance and others yet that couldn't get in at the door.
A representative from a Woodside tenants group whose members are steadily growing in number, discussed how the group operates and the successes that they have had so far. There was also discussion on the backdrop on which the social housing vs. luxury flats is being played out - the tenants vs. the tourists. Having accommodation for Commonwealth games fans, who will be here for a fortnight, was said to be the main concern of Glasgow City Council, not where ordinary Glaswegians will live.
The meeting drew a responsive crowd, even though the evening was bleek outside, and they did not waste their time coming. People had their say and more, rather than being preached at by professionals with vested interests. There were two and a half thousand leaflets for the tenant and homeowners networking conference that disappeared from the desk top as people left the hall. Most people seemed to feel as if the meeting was as much a community event as a housing debate
The Glasgow Save Our Homes campaign and the Georges X Chalkboard worked well together in supplying hard facts, as well as a format for community collective action. No matter where you live in Glasgow, if people, not just tenants, are not talking and communicating with each other, we will win nothing and will be pushed out of the way by the only game in town - making way for tourists and investment buyers in huge chunks of our city.
If recent meetings in the Maryhill Burgh are anything to go by ordinary folk are starting to seriously prepare themselves for the challenge.
The tenants and homeowners networking conference will be held on Saturday the 8th of April, (9am - 4pm, at the Charles Oakley Building, Glasgow Caledonian University)
Read more!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomous update 16 March
This week brings more exciting campaigns and events to get involved in. If you're a GHA tenant, or live in a bought council house, come along tonight to the Save Our Homes meeting at Woodside Halls - important info about whether your home may be in danger, and how you can resist. And if you have free time at the weekend, why not check out the Zapatista benefit gig, or the beginning of Faslane Peace Camp's work month? Sorry that there was no update last week - this is a voluntary service and sometimes work, computer access and so on interrupt. :) Hope you enjoy this week's update.
Have a good week!
- GAP Meeting - Monday 20th March
- IWW meeting - Wednesday 5th April
- Save Our Schools meeting - Wednesday 22nd March
- Freedom Readers Group - Thursday 16th March
- Save Our Homes meeting - Thursday 16th March
- Please Support the Raja family - ongoing
- Donate to No Borders Glasgow - ongoing
- Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
- Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
- TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
- No Borders Glasgow - new group
- Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
- Zapatista Benefit Gig - Saturday 18th March
- Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - alternate Mondays
- Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - alternate Thursdays
- Faslane Peace Camp work month - Friday 17th March - Sunday 9th April
- Anti-war vigil - every Wednesday
- Faslane 365, get involved! - ongoing
- Help organise Vanunu Freedom Ride from Faslane - ongoing
- Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
- Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
- Join the Direct Action Against War network - ongoing
- Talamh needs a gardener!
- Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
- Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 31st March
- Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 16th March
- Saorsa Social Centre - ongoing
- Free Gaelic Classes - Saturday 18th March
- Celtic Fire Festival to celebrate Mayday - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April
GAP meeting - Monday 20th March
We hold weekly meetings in our social centre, the Georges Cross Chalkboard, at 8pm on Mondays. Everything to do with how the centre is run is decided at the Monday meeting.
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
All who agree with our vision statement are welcome at our meetings:
"We strive for a sustainable society where all people are free to live
their lives as they see fit without fear of oppression, persecution or
marginalization insofar as this does not prevent others from doing the
same. We see this fulfilled thru a society built upon principles of
co-operation, solidarity, mutual-aid, direct democracy and freedom of
If you are interested in coming along this week please send an email to
IWW meeting - Wednesday 5th April
Radical union for workers not bosses. New members can sign up at meetings.
7.45 for 8pm
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
Save Our Schools meeting - Wednesday 22nd March
Opposing closures of local schools.
Dowanhill Primary School, Highburgh Road
Freedom Readers Group - Thursday 16th March
Anarchist reading and discussion group.
At the Georges Cross Chalkboard 6.15 to 7.45
if interested in attending and any agreed text for discussion emerges then e
mail, Limited Copies of freedom available
Save Our Homes meeting - Thursday 16th March
Public meeting organised jointly by "Georges X Chalkboard" and "Save our
Homes Campaign"
7:30pm at the Woodside Hall, 36 Glenfarg Street, Glasgow G20 7QF
The meeting was called to address and demystify a range of issues
including: Second stage transfer - What is the future of your home and
your community.
This meeting will attempt to address and explain the wider issues that will
eventually have an effect on all of our houses and the social, as well as the
financial costs to ourselves created by the upheaval of property development
that is consuming our city.
The George's X Chalkboard is in receipt of no public funding, is independent,
and is not affiliated to any political party.
0141 332 2902
Please Support the Raja family - ongoing
Asad and Tahira Raja are currently living in a small cold flat in Sighthill with their small baby. They have lost all NASS benefits. They have no income. They are living with their baby in cold and unsuitable accommodation and are surviving on food parcels and charity and a small amount of money paid out by Social Services to help with their child.
In April 2005, Asad and Tahira learnt that UK Home Office had refused their claim for asylum. The family say that they have never received any formal letter advising of this decision, and their lawyer confirmed that nothing had been communicated to his office in reference to this asylum decision. Asad and Tahira only discovered this negative decision when they received a letter from NASS in April 2005 notifying the couple that they would no longer be in receipt of any NASS support because of their negative asylum decision.
Please print off and send this letter to McNulty back to the campaign. More details:
Donate to No Borders Glasgow - ongoing
No Borders, with other groups and individuals, are planning to open an office early in March. We need volunteers to help renovate and decorate the office to get it ready. We also need office equipment such as some desks and chairs, filing cabinets and computers. If you can help – either with painting, etc or with office equipment - please get in touch or leave a message on 0141 423 9055
Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
10am - 12 noon
Picket/Vigil outside Brand Street Immigration Centre (near Cessnock Underground - turn left out of station and then left into Brand Street - the Immigration offices are about 200m along Brand St.)
Stop dawn raids and deportations!
Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
Teaching English
GCtWR’s English & Support Class in Sighthill is needing some help with the
crèche side of its regular Thursday evening class (between 7pm and 9pm). If
you are interested and are either Disclosure checked or prepared to be, then
please contact Sheila on 07718 896 041.
TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
Do you have qualifications in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Adult Literacy Education? The Saorsa Social Centre is planning to start free, fortnightly, English Language classes in the New Year and are looking for more people to help with this. Get in touch if you can help.
Saorsa Social Centre
674 Pollokshaws Road
0141 423 9055
No Borders Glasgow - new group
No Borders Glasgow is committed to practical solidarity, mutual aid and
direct action in the fight against deportation, detention, poverty and
The main thing for us at the moment is being involved in the growing
resistance to deportations in Glasgow - e.g. the recent occupation of the
Immigration Reporting Centre in Govan - while putting forward the
arguments against all migration controls (often ignored or opposed by
other groups).
We have a weblog for updates on actions, campaigns,meetings, links to
other groups etc at and a discussion/updates email
list at:
No Borders Glasgow
Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
Over the last few weeks Positive Action in Housing has needed to find homes for
several refugees who have been evicted or who have unstable living situations.
They would like people to get in touch if you have a spare room in your house
and would like to welcome a refugee into your home.
Positive Action in Housing Ltd, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ
tel: 0141 353 2220
fax: 0141 353 3882
Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
2pm-4pm at the Junction of Hope St. and Sauchiehall St. (opposite Watt Bros.) The Scottish PSC stall attracts supporters to sign petitions or sign-up sheets, get information about coming meetings and events, collect literature, or buy a ribbon, tee-shirt or Palestinian headscraf (kiffeya) and more.
Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - alternate Thursdays
A small group of Glasgow based individuals are attempting to start a peer to peer internet radio broadcast and are looking for others interested in such a project with or without expertise. It would be good if some of those interested came with some expertise as we have very little.
Meetings usually alternate Thursdays in the Saorsa Social Centre.
Contact via
Zapatista Benefit Gig - Saturday 18th March
13th Note Cafe, King Street
£3 donation
All donations go towards the much needed Health Clinic
in the '16 de Febrero' autonomous municipality,
Chiapas, south-east Mexico.
The night will kick off at 9pm with some footage and
feedback from Chiapas!! This will be followed by
D.J's and the kick ass RAGE band. There will also be
a stall selling Zapatista merchandise, coffee, and
Kiptik t-shirts, calendars and C.D's all Kiptik profit
is used to build clean water systems for the
communities in resistance.
So come and have fun for a good cause!!
Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - alternate Mondays
7.30pm, in the Saorsa Social Centre.
Supporting the Zapatista struggle in Chiapas, Mexico .
Faslane Peace Camp work month - Friday 17th March - Sunday 9th April
Work month: - Every weekend for the next month we are aiming to tidy camp,
Anyone with specific skills get in touch ( 01436 820901 )
Painters, builders ANYTHING !
17th-19th March, Sort out Accommodation areas, Build new toilet,
Sort out Tat piles (recycling, fort, sculptures etc)
24 th-26th March, Sort out Grey water system, Rain collection,
Plumbing/ new Bathroom
People with plumbing/building experience would be helpful.
31ST March-2nd April, Paint weekend!! Time to give the place a face-lift.
Would be easier (and cheaper) if you brought yer own paint, but we shall have
some. Cover the place, pictures, walls, roofs..
7th-9th April, Defence Building Weekend.
Walkways, lock ons, treehouses, and whatever else we can come up with ;p
Would be good to have some climbers, diggers etc this weekend.
Finishing with the “Mischief of Defence Parteee”
Be there or, a pear….
camp phone 01436 820 901
web site
Anti-war vigil - every Wednesday
5-6pm demonstration at Donald Dewar statue. If its
really raining, look for people in Dino's nearby.
Faslane 365, get involved! - ongoing
Faslane 365 is a civil resistance project focussed in Scotland to apply critical public pressure for the disarmament of Britain's nuclear weapons by a continuous peaceful blockade of the Trident base at Faslane.
We are inviting groups and individuals from a wide range of public interest organisations to join in the blockade and to use the opportunity to raise awareness of the issues that each group is working on and to make the links between its core issues and how the UK's nuclear weapons system affects them.
Help organise Vanunu Freedom Ride from Faslane - ongoing
On 21st April 2006, Mordechai Vanunu will have been held captive in Israel for 20 years. His crime? Letting the world know about Israel's nuclear weapons.
A bike ride will set out from the Faslane Nuclear Base just north
west of Glasgow on Friday 7th April and make its way south over a two
week period, arriving in London on 21st April 2006. The first stop
will be Glasgow University, where Vanunu is the Rector; the riders
will then continue via Carlisle, Manchester, Birmingham, Oxford,
arriving in London on the anniversary of Mordechai's release from
prison 2 years ago.
The organisers would like help with:
1) offers of accommodation overnight (beds or floor-space) if you are
on the route of the ride.
2) organising events such as public meetings/film showings;
3) contacting local media;
4) ideas you and your group may have about events that could be held
in your local area to coincide with the Vanunu Freedom Ride;
5) donations towards the costs for organising the Ride.
6) people to join in with the ride!
Get in touch:
Vanunu Freedom Ride, c/o London Region CND, Mordechai Vanunu House,162 Holloway Road, London N7 8DQ
Tel: 0845 458 1965
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of direct action to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 miles north of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week, or longer!
Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from Jamaica Street to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peace camp.
For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 901
Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
All fliers, information etc relating to the war, welcome.
Buchanan St, outside Borders bookshop.
Join the Direct Action Against War network - ongoing
Visit us:
To join our network, please send a blank email to the address below, & then wait for the confirmation message:
The DAAW message board was initially created in Jan 2003 to improve communication around direct action, as protests and demonstrations were carried out to protest the arrival of US B52 Bombers to the RAF Airbase in the otherwise sleepy Cotswold village of Fairford. Since then the message board has become home to a wide range of campaigns and protests, from info on the next Disarm DSEi 2005, to planning objections to the expansion of the Atomic Weapons establishment, to defending the right to protest in Parliament Square.
Most events or actions which are asking more than just the signing of another petition, or which are more than another march from point A to point B, will be considered for approval as a form of direct action.
We look forward to receiving your subscription request.
Talamh needs a gardener!
Talamh Housing Co-op is looking for a new member who has enthusiasm and
time enough spare to co-ordinate gardening. Talamh has a large
productive polytunnel, organic veg terraces, and soft fruit bushes.
Talamh grows for those living here, and we'd like to increase this
amount but need help to do this from someone keen to help co-ordinate
growing for next year.
Anyone who is interested, and thinks they'd like to live in a busy,
sometimes chaotic community, but fun too, is welcome to visit and stay
to see what they think. Talamh is home to 10 adults, 4 children,
visitors, 4 dogs, a cat, and chickens. It's a member of Radical Routes,
a network of co-ops working for social change.
Contact: or phone 01555 820555 or 820550
Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
Over the time of the G8 summit, Southside residents and visiting anti-G8 activists started to create a community garden. People are welcome along at any time to enjoy and add to the garden.
The garden is behind the billboards at Eglinton Toll. Bus Numbers 44,22,23,57
Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 31st March
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ride
through Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, less hostile.
All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 16th March
The Glasgow Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army meets weekly on Thursdays at 5:50 in the upstairs gallery of the Lansdowne Church (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).
Come along to clown around and plot sinister plans for revolutionary silliness. Contact Major Pan-Sweat,
Saorsa Social Centre
Open from 2pm every day except Saturdays and Sundays
Regular meetings in Saorsa:
Alternate Mondays: 7.30pm Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - raising money for medical clinics in Chiapas
Tuesdays: 7.30pm Reshape Glasgow - set up to protest against the G8 but now campaigning against globalisation, corporations, etc
Wednesdays: Open platform - films, talks, social events - as and when we arrange them
Thursdays: 7.30pm G42 Collective meetings - the collective responsible for maintaining the social centre (we always need new people!)
Sundays: 5pm Sunday Social nights - bring food to share or add to the pot. An evening to chat and chill out.
Want to use the Social Centre for meetings or other events - phone 0141 423 9055 after 2pm to arrange it!
Free Gaelic Classes - Saturday 18th March
Weekly GAELIC CLASSES at Saorsa Social Centre.
If you're interested in learning Gaelic - come along.
Celtic Fire Festival to celebrate Mayday - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April
Re-introducing the Celtic tradition of celebrating Beltane to welcome summer with fire all things fire, dance and music. This will include skill sharing and re-empowering ourselves with the ancients’ knowledge of community development, when history and troubled times were handed down thru song, and altho’ the road was long, there was support and trust in the Celtic community.
Now, more than ever, we need to open our hearts and minds to embrace the differences within, and outside of our own cultures.
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
If you like these emails and find them useful, why not ask your friends to join as well?
George's X Chalkboard,
34 Clarendon Place, G20 7PZ
0141 332 2902
Open 2pm-7pm most days - more volunteers needed if we want it open more often!
A place to have a cup of tea in a friendly, non commercial space, read a book or magazine and find out about stuff that's going on in the city, the country and the rest of the world.
A meeting place for wayward souls.
A resource centre for groups fighting for autonomy, freedom, solidarity, equality, sustainability, mutual aid and peace against poverty, war and oppression.
If you would like to contribute to the project financially please note the following details. We are looking for one-off donations but especially standing orders.
Account Name: "Printworks"
Sort Code: 11 47 21
Account Number: 00026891
Halifax / Bank of Scotland
Read more!
New Zealand: Support workers taking McDonalds to court
New Zealand: Support workers taking McDonalds to court: "New Zealand: Support workers taking McDonalds to court"
Read more!
Read more!
"The need to know. The publics right to be informed"

The meeting was called to address and demystify a range of issues including: Second stage transfer - What is the future of your home and your community.
"Save Our Homes Campaign" is a group who recognise the need for joined up thinking, and cooperation, and that the housing problems and confusion that tenants are experiencing, is city wide and systematic.
Georges X Chalkboard is a small drop in social centre, set up and run by volunteers. We have been involved in a range of activities, from local history projects, music, local group meetings We cater of all ages.
What the group is finding more and more, through talking to local people, is a need to discuss housing problems. In as much as it has becoming one of the staple occupations of the shop. The confusion and insecurity of local folk who are unaware of. Where they will be in a year or two, whether there house will be demolished, or whether they will they get one of the new houses that have been promised, is having a drastic effect on the community. This insecurity, compounded by the private development, that is sprouting up all around them, the lack of repairs to rented property, or the over pricing to house owners, when repairs are done, is creating frustration to both rented and house owning tenants and has fueled and created the need for the above meeting.
The Chalkboard has risen to the challenge of doing what is necessary in trying to help people understand from an independent point of view, of what is involved, when tenants have to decipher the plans, strategies and promises, of organisations such as the Glasgow Housing Association, and Glasgow City Council, who spend great deals of money, selling ideas to the public and very little, on allotting costs towards public representation.
This meeting will attempt to address and explain the wider issues that will eventually have an effect on all of our houses and financial costs to ourselves by the upheaval of property development that is consuming our city.
The indications are that people are getting sick of the constant barrage of council led attacks on social infrastructure: Hamiltonhill where a public meeting attracted 70 angry residents with more unable to get in, who are fed up being ignored by housing bosses. Or the outrage at a public meeting when the council put forward an idea to tarmac Victoria parks football pitches as a 260 permanent car park, and space for 400 more cars, for use by a sports complex. - While ten minutes from the stadium (Scotstoun) the Clydeside has an abundance of space for thousands of cars. It is in this context that the public will have to start informing each other of the ramifications of these events and their detrimental effects on community life. The Chalkboard as a community social center, feels it has a responsibility towards these aims.
The Georges X chalkboard is in receipt of no public funding, is independent, and is not affiliated to any political party.
Georges X Chalkboard,
34 Clarendon Place,
Glasgow, G20 7PZ,
T: 0141 332 2902
---------Info on flier---------------
What does GHA's business plan mean for you?
Is your home under threat of demolition, and if so why?
What is second stage transfer
and what does it mean for
What is the future of GHA
rental guarantees – will rents
go up?
GHA's planned doubling of
charges for homeowners, what
does it mean for you? Are
you already being charged too much?
Whether you are a tenant of the GHA or a homeowner GHA's latest business plan
is likely to have implications for you. This is a joint meeting being held by
the Save Our Homes Campaign and the George's X Chalkboard.
Invited speakers include:-
- Sean Clerkin (Save Our Homes Campaign, Chair)
- The George's X Chalkboard
Read more!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Vanunu Freedom Ride
Read more!
This Saturday 18th March,13th Note Cafe Kings Street.£3 donation
ALL WELCOME TO RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE (tribute band),All donations go towards the much needed Health Clinic in Autonomous municipality, Chiapas, south-east Mexico.The night will kick off at 9pm with some footage and feedback from Chiapas!!This will be followed by D.J's and the kick ass RAGE band. There will also be a stall selling zapatista merchandise, coffee, and kiptik t-shirts, calendars and C.D's all kiptik profit is used to build clean water systems for the communities in resistance.So come and have fun for a good cause!!VIVA!!love and sol Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group
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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Help us to stop AOL from introducing pay-to-send mail:
First, do sign our petition. We'll keep you in touch with developments, and we'll use it to show AOL just how many Net users don't want the tax.If you've got three minutes, call AOL's headquarters and tell them you don't want the email tax directly. Call 1-703 265 1000. Hit "0" to speak with an operator. AOL doesn't have the live staff to deal with all the queries, so you'll probably get sent to tech support. Just let them know your concern, and thank them for their time. If you're an AOL member, be sure to tell them.
If you're responsible for email delivery in a large organization, and you'd like to join our coalition: sign up here. We'll add you to our open letter, and work with your organization to help stop this. Let us know how many members you have in your mail, and (if you know) how many of them are AOL users.
If you have a blog, tell your readers what you think about AOL's plans. If you support us, you can cut and paste the following HTML to make a link to Dear AOL on your own site.
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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Click image for details
Glasgow: Demonstration for asylum rights
Saturday 11th March, 11am
Immigration Reporting Centre
Brand Street, Ibrox
(near Cessnock Underground - left out of station, left again to end of road)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
UNITY: the Scottish Union of Asylum Seekers
Are you an asylum seeker?
Do you want your human rights?
Do you want to be treated with dignity?
Do you want the right to work?
Do you want the right to have education and training?
Do you want an end to weekly signing?
Protest outside the Home Office Immigration Centre at Brand Street
Saturday 11th March
11.00am - 1.00pm
Brand Street Immigration Centre
Organised by
UNITY: the Scottish Union of Asylum Seekers
Glasgow No Borders Network
- - - - - - - - -
No more dawn raids - No more detention
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Reclaim the Kelvin

International womans week 12 March
click poster for details See Chalkboard for more events on the 8th
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Monday, March 06, 2006
Zapatistas groups well done!
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To date the Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity group and theGlasgow Zapatista group have sent a total of £4,000
to Chiapas so that our twinned zapatista municipality of 16 February can build the first medical clinic in their community. So far so good but the total cost of
the clinic is estimated at over £13,000 so we’ve a bit to go yet!
Two members of our group recently visited 16 February and were able to see for themselves that work has already begun on the clinic. They were able to take some excellent photos and film footage which, when edited we will show some time in the future. The film includes footage of the community starting to build the clinic. Our members also took back from their recent trip more merchandise, including amber from the 16 February. As you know we sell this so that
profits from sales go back to Chiapas. The community sent us their thanks for our support to date and hope that we will continue to support them so that they can
finish the clinic.
So we’re pleased to report that after a recent successful fundraising gig in Edinburgh and with another planned for mid March in Glasgow, we are now in the position to send another £1,000 to the clinic in late March.
We thought we would email everyone on our contact list firstly to let you all know the good news about work starting on the clinic and also to give anyone who wishes to donate to this next instalment of funding, the opportunity to do so. If you send your donation to arrive by 25th March then it will be added to the money we already have and will reach the zapatistas of 16th February by the beginning of April. (if you cannot donate till after this date, don't worry, your donation will be sent with the next batch of funds)
Any donation however small will be gratefully received. You can send a cheque made out to Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group to
Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group, c/o 17 West
Montgomery Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA
(please e mail us at so we know
to look out for your letter)
Or you can pay into our bank account at the Clydesdale
Account name Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group
Sort code 82 45 05
Account number 60129411
(again please e mail us to let us know)
Thank you.
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Thursday, March 02, 2006
Free, one year course in Govan for refugees and asylum seekers
Are you an asylum seeker or refugee living in the Greater Govan area (Govan, Ibrox, Craigton, Cardonald)? Interested in learning English Language and Information & Communication Technology in the same course? Free, one year course in Govan for refugees and asylum seekers. Leading to SVQ qualifications; European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) and English for Speakers of Other languages (ESOL) all grades
See attached flier, and text below for more info, contact details and how to apply. Please pass on to anyone who may be interested.
From Govan Housing Association, Linthouse Housing Association and Anniesland College.
This course will provide you with ICT and English Language skills in one year long course. You will have the opportunity to study for PC Passport as well as learning the basics in computing, including using the Internet, word-processing and spreadsheets.
You will also have the opportunity to study English Language ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) at various levels.
Date: Course runs from April 2006 - March 2007 Times: 2 Full days per week 09:30 to 15:00 1 half day per week 09:30 to 12:30
Place: Pearce Institute, 840 Govan Road (Close to underground)
Lunch and travel will be paid and a course completion bonus. Although childcare expenses can be provided, you will still have to select your own childcare provider.
For Further information contact: Angela Gardiner on 0141 440 6893.
(If you hear a voicemail message, please say you are interested in training and leave your name and telephone number and someone will get back to you.)
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Workshops at Georges X Chalkboard, March:
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Destitution Crisis
Positive Action in Housing and the Scottish Refugee Council
There are growing numbers of people in Glasgow who have been refused asylum, living in or facing complete destitution. With no entitlement to work, to welfare benefits or to public housing, and with confusion over entitlements to health care and even social work support for children, these households are extremely vulnerable. Positive Action in Housing and the Scottish Refugee Council have described the situation as a crisis. The most vulnerable people in this position include families with babies and young children, pregnant women, elderly people and people with support needs including recovering victims of torture and rape, and those needing medical treatment for example for HIV/AIDS.
Section 4 Home Office Support
Basic Home Office "Section 4" support (room and food vouchers, no cash) is available to people whose asylum applications have been fully refused, where they are unable to leave the country immediately. However, there is waiting list for this support, and many people will not apply because it is conditional on agreeing to be returned home. For many people this is simply not an option, as they believe they are still in danger. The United Nations continues to criticise the UK Government's return of "failed" asylum seekers to unsafe countries, and the Scottish Refugee Council has concerns that many asylum seekers in danger are refused protection due to lack of appropriate legal representation in their asylum applications.
Families with children
Families with children are entitled to Home Office (NASS) support until they are removed from the country. However, where a child is born after NASS support has ended, they have no entitlement, and the duty of care lies with the local authority. Glasgow City Council appears to have adopted the position that local Social Work offices are only allowed to offer support to the child in these circumstances, leading to several families of three subsisting on only £35.00 per week. Some families have not approached Social Work for assistance, and are surviving on food parcels and small and unreliable charitable donations. Network response
At the Govan Integration Network development day on Friday 17th February, it was agreed that a group should get together to look at how the Network can respond to this crisis in the area, particularly focusing on destitute families with children.
A meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 8 March, 2pm at Govan Integration Network offices, opposite Govan Underground. At this meeting we would like to start looking at practical responses including the following:
* What can the network do to help?
* Food/hygiene packs
* Accessing destitution funds
* Linking in with voluntary sector and charities
* Social Work support (Children (Scotland) Act)
* Section 4 (Hard case support)
If you would like to come along to the meeting or know anyone else that would like to be involved in this group, please could you let me know.
Angela Gardiner
Ethnic Minority Development Officer
Govan Housing Association
t. 01414406893
Read more!
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomous update March 01
International Women's Day next Wednesday
With International Women's Day next Wednesday, there's plenty of great events to go along to. Check out the self-defense workshop this Sunday, and maybe make a banner for the following week's Reclaim the Kelvin event. Plus, on Women's Day itself there's an afternoon of films, discussions, and hanging out at the Chalkboard Social Centre. (More details in our Women's section).
Have a good week!************
- GAP Meeting - Monday 6th March
- IWW meeting - Wednesday 1st March
- Save Our Schools meeting - Wednesday 22nd March
- Please Support the Raja family - ongoing
- Donate to No Borders Glasgow - ongoing
- Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
- Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
- TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
- No Borders Glasgow - new group
- Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
- Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - alternate Mondays
- Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - alternate Thursdays
- Hands off Iran / Troops Out of Iraq meeting - Wednesday 1st March
- Anti-war vigil - every Wednesday
- Faslane 365, get involved! - ongoing
- Help organise Vanunu Freedom Ride from Faslane - ongoing
- Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
- Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
- Join the Direct Action Against War network - ongoing
- Talamh needs a gardener!
- Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
- Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 31st March
- Moving Glasgow Forward - until Friday 10th March
- Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 2nd March
- Cops n' Robbers on the Underground - Saturday 4th March
- Saorsa Social Centre - ongoing
- New Radical Bookshop for Glasgow - coming soon
- Self Defence and Banner Making - Sunday 5th March
- International Women's Day at the Chalkboard - Wednesday 8th March
- Reclaim the Kelvin - Sunday 12th March
- Free Gaelic Classes - Saturday 4th March
- Celtic Fire Festival to celebrate Mayday - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April
GAP meeting - Monday 6th March
We hold weekly meetings in our social centre, the Georges Cross Chalkboard, at 8pm on Mondays. Everything to do with how the centre is run is decided at the Monday meeting.
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
All who agree with our vision statement are welcome at our meetings:
"We strive for a sustainable society where all people are free to live
their lives as they see fit without fear of oppression, persecution or
marginalization insofar as this does not prevent others from doing the
same. We see this fulfilled thru a society built upon principles of
co-operation, solidarity, mutual-aid, direct democracy and freedom of
If you are interested in coming along this week please send an email to
IWW meeting - Wednesday 1st March
Radical union for workers not bosses. New members can sign up at meetings.
7.45 for 8pm
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
Save Our Schools meeting - Wednesday 22nd March
Opposing closures of local schools.
Dowanhill Primary School, Highburgh Road
Please Support the Raja family - ongoing
Asad and Tahira Raja are currently living in a small cold flat in Sighthill with their small baby. They have lost all NASS benefits. They have no income. They are living with their baby in cold and unsuitable accommodation and are surviving on food parcels and charity and a small amount of money paid out by Social Services to help with their child.
In April 2005, Asad and Tahira learnt that UK Home Office had refused their claim for asylum. The family say that they have never received any formal letter advising of this decision, and their lawyer confirmed that nothing had been communicated to his office in reference to this asylum decision. Asad and Tahira only discovered this negative decision when they received a letter from NASS in April 2005 notifying the couple that they would no longer be in receipt of any NASS support because of their negative asylum decision.
Please print off and send this letter to McNulty back to the campaign. More details:
Donate to No Borders Glasgow - ongoing
No Borders, with other groups and individuals, are planning to open an office early in March. We need volunteers to help renovate and decorate the office to get it ready. We also need office equipment such as some desks and chairs, filing cabinets and computers. If you can help – either with painting, etc or with office equipment - please get in touch or leave a message on 0141 423 9055
Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
10am - 12 noon
Picket/Vigil outside Brand Street Immigration Centre (near Cessnock Underground - turn left out of station and then left into Brand Street - the Immigration offices are about 200m along Brand St.)
Stop dawn raids and deportations!
Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
Teaching English
GCtWR’s English & Support Class in Sighthill is needing some help with the
crèche side of its regular Thursday evening class (between 7pm and 9pm). If
you are interested and are either Disclosure checked or prepared to be, then
please contact Sheila on 07718 896 041.
TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
Do you have qualifications in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Adult Literacy Education? The Saorsa Social Centre is planning to start free, fortnightly, English Language classes in the New Year and are looking for more people to help with this. Get in touch if you can help.
Saorsa Social Centre
674 Pollokshaws Road
0141 423 9055
No Borders Glasgow - new group
No Borders Glasgow is committed to practical solidarity, mutual aid and
direct action in the fight against deportation, detention, poverty and
The main thing for us at the moment is being involved in the growing
resistance to deportations in Glasgow - e.g. the recent occupation of the
Immigration Reporting Centre in Govan - while putting forward the
arguments against all migration controls (often ignored or opposed by
other groups).
We have a weblog for updates on actions, campaigns,meetings, links to
other groups etc at and a discussion/updates email
list at:
No Borders Glasgow
Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
Over the last few weeks Positive Action in Housing has needed to find homes for
several refugees who have been evicted or who have unstable living situations.
They would like people to get in touch if you have a spare room in your house
and would like to welcome a refugee into your home.
Positive Action in Housing Ltd, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ
tel: 0141 353 2220
fax: 0141 353 3882
Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
2pm-4pm at the Junction of Hope St. and Sauchiehall St. (opposite Watt Bros.) The Scottish PSC stall attracts supporters to sign petitions or sign-up sheets, get information about coming meetings and events, collect literature, or buy a ribbon, tee-shirt or Palestinian headscraf (kiffeya) and more.
Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - alternate Thursdays
A small group of Glasgow based individuals are attempting to start a peer to peer internet radio broadcast and are looking for others interested in such a project with or without expertise. It would be good if some of those interested came with some expertise as we have very little.
Meetings usually alternate Thursdays in the Saorsa Social Centre.
Contact via
Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - alternate Mondays
7.30pm, in the Saorsa Social Centre.
Supporting the Zapatista struggle in Chiapas, Mexico .
Hands off Iran / Troops Out of Iraq meeting - Wednesday 1st March
Planning for action as well as discussion and analysis about the situation in
the Middle East.
George's X Chalkboard.
34 Clarendon Place, G20 7PZ 0141 332 2902
Behind Alpine Bikes and posh furniture shop at bottom of Maryhill Rd / Great
Western Rd.
Map on
Anti-war vigil - every Wednesday
5-6pm demonstration at Donald Dewar statue. If its
really raining, look for people in Dino's nearby.
Faslane 365, get involved! - ongoing
Faslane 365 is a civil resistance project focussed in Scotland to apply critical public pressure for the disarmament of Britain's nuclear weapons by a continuous peaceful blockade of the Trident base at Faslane.
We are inviting groups and individuals from a wide range of public interest organisations to join in the blockade and to use the opportunity to raise awareness of the issues that each group is working on and to make the links between its core issues and how the UK's nuclear weapons system affects them.
Help organise Vanunu Freedom Ride from Faslane - ongoing
On 21st April 2006, Mordechai Vanunu will have been held captive in Israel for 20 years. His crime? Letting the world know about Israel's nuclear weapons.
A bike ride will set out from the Faslane Nuclear Base just north
west of Glasgow on Friday 7th April and make its way south over a two
week period, arriving in London on 21st April 2006. The first stop
will be Glasgow University, where Vanunu is the Rector; the riders
will then continue via Carlisle, Manchester, Birmingham, Oxford,
arriving in London on the anniversary of Mordechai's release from
prison 2 years ago.
The organisers would like help with:
1) offers of accommodation overnight (beds or floor-space) if you are
on the route of the ride.
2) organising events such as public meetings/film showings;
3) contacting local media;
4) ideas you and your group may have about events that could be held
in your local area to coincide with the Vanunu Freedom Ride;
5) donations towards the costs for organising the Ride.
6) people to join in with the ride!
Get in touch:
Vanunu Freedom Ride, c/o London Region CND, Mordechai Vanunu House,162 Holloway Road, London N7 8DQ
Tel: 0845 458 1965
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of direct action to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 miles north of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week, or longer!
Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from Jamaica Street to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peace camp.
For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 901
Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
All fliers, information etc relating to the war, welcome.
Buchanan St, outside Borders bookshop.
Join the Direct Action Against War network - ongoing
Visit us:
To join our network, please send a blank email to the address below, & then wait for the confirmation message:
The DAAW message board was initially created in Jan 2003 to improve communication around direct action, as protests and demonstrations were carried out to protest the arrival of US B52 Bombers to the RAF Airbase in the otherwise sleepy Cotswold village of Fairford. Since then the message board has become home to a wide range of campaigns and protests, from info on the next Disarm DSEi 2005, to planning objections to the expansion of the Atomic Weapons establishment, to defending the right to protest in Parliament Square.
Most events or actions which are asking more than just the signing of another petition, or which are more than another march from point A to point B, will be considered for approval as a form of direct action.
We look forward to receiving your subscription request.
Talamh needs a gardener!
Talamh Housing Co-op is looking for a new member who has enthusiasm and
time enough spare to co-ordinate gardening. Talamh has a large
productive polytunnel, organic veg terraces, and soft fruit bushes.
Talamh grows for those living here, and we'd like to increase this
amount but need help to do this from someone keen to help co-ordinate
growing for next year.
Anyone who is interested, and thinks they'd like to live in a busy,
sometimes chaotic community, but fun too, is welcome to visit and stay
to see what they think. Talamh is home to 10 adults, 4 children,
visitors, 4 dogs, a cat, and chickens. It's a member of Radical Routes,
a network of co-ops working for social change.
Contact: or phone 01555 820555 or 820550
Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
Over the time of the G8 summit, Southside residents and visiting anti-G8 activists started to create a community garden. People are welcome along at any time to enjoy and add to the garden.
The garden is behind the billboards at Eglinton Toll. Bus Numbers 44,22,23,57
Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 31st March
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ride
through Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, less hostile.
All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square
Moving Glasgow Forward - until Friday 10th March
The council have launched yet
another initiative without telling anyone which is about transport in the
city ...
The project is called MOVING GLASGOW FORWARD and is an opportunity for
residents to shape the city's four-year transport strategy.
At the following link you will find more information about the project as
well as a QUESTIONAIRE. PLEASE FILL IT OUT!! This should only take a couple
of minutes but it could potentially play a significant difference.
Without wanting to influence anyone ... The less cars we get in the city the
more cyclist we are likely to see. This also means, cleaner air, less noise,
less stress and healthier people ... The more people that say they ride
bikes the harder it will be for them to justify the construction of more
roads (ie M74 extension, most expensive road construction in Scottish
history ... More info at and the refusal for more
bike facilities.
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 2nd March
The Glasgow Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army meets weekly on Thursdays at 5:50 in the upstairs gallery of the Lansdowne Church (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).
Come along to clown around and plot sinister plans for revolutionary silliness. Contact Major Pan-Sweat,
Cops n' Robbers on the Underground - Saturday 4th March
Ladies, Gentlemen etc.,
once again, due to popular demand, we are pleased to announce:
(a schoolyard game for 2 teams on fast legs)
will take place at 3pm.
Meet at Kelvinbridge Underground
Please all come out and play with us!
teams will be formed and game explained at the meeting point.
Bring all your friends and £1.90 for ticket
Saorsa Social Centre
Open from 2pm every day except Saturdays and Sundays
Regular meetings in Saorsa:
Alternate Mondays: 7.30pm Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - raising money for medical clinics in Chiapas
Tuesdays: 7.30pm Reshape Glasgow - set up to protest against the G8 but now campaigning against globalisation, corporations, etc
Wednesdays: Open platform - films, talks, social events - as and when we arrange them
Thursdays: 7.30pm G42 Collective meetings - the collective responsible for maintaining the social centre (we always need new people!)
Sundays: 5pm Sunday Social nights - bring food to share or add to the pot. An evening to chat and chill out.
Want to use the Social Centre for meetings or other events - phone 0141 423 9055 after 2pm to arrange it!
New Radical Bookshop for Glasgow - coming soon
We at the Saorsa centre are preparing to launch a bookshop, the first
radical bookshop in Glasgow for some years. The money made from the
bookshop (if any) will be used to help keep the centre open & independent.
We'll be stocking a selection of books from AK Press (see for their full
catalogue). As well as these titles we will stock magazines,the new G8 book "Shut Them Down" and other goodies. We're in the process of making our first stock order and to give us a better idea of what books we should order and how many copies, we'd like you to help us.
Get in touch:
Self Defence and Banner Making - Sunday 5th March
2 - 6pm, Woodside Hall, 36 Glenfarg St, Glasgow G20 7QF – come and make banners and paper boats for the Reclaim The Kelvin March. Free self defence workshop from 3- 5pm. This is a women only event, but children are welcome.
International Women's Day at the Chalkboard - Wednesday 8th March
A feminist celebration. Friendly, informal and welcoming.
Drop by from 2pm for creativity, cake and constructive chat. Displays and
Discussions / workshops 5-7pm: History of International Women's Day. Working
class feminism. The women's health movement.
7pm-10pm : Poetry readings, films and Buffy.
George's X Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place. G20 7PZ.
0141 332 2902.
All women welcome. Trans friendly.
Sorry, no men allowed at this event.
Reclaim the Kelvin - Sunday 12th March
- a Cailleach Collective event -
On 7 October 2005 Farah Noor Adams was raped and murdered in broad daylight as she exercised along the Kelvin riverside in Glasgow. Her attacker has since pled guilty.
On Sunday 12 March, during International Women’s Week, a walk will take place to the spot of Farah’s murder where the Kelvin meets Lock 25 on the Maryhill canal.
Assemble at 2pm at the main gates of Kelvingrove Botanic Gardens to set off at 2.15pm.
The walk along the banks of the Kelvin will take approximately 45 minutes, culminating in a gathering to commemorate women victims of violence and protest the unacceptable number of women murdered annually. This will include speakers and singing from the Women’s Socialist Choir. This is a women-led event, with men welcome to come along and march at a distance.
Free Gaelic Classes - Saturday 4th March
Weekly GAELIC CLASSES at Saorsa Social Centre.
If you're interested in learning Gaelic - come along.
Celtic Fire Festival to celebrate Mayday - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April
Re-introducing the Celtic tradition of celebrating Beltane to welcome summer with fire all things fire, dance and music. This will include skill sharing and re-empowering ourselves with the ancients’ knowledge of community development, when history and troubled times were handed down thru song, and altho’ the road was long, there was support and trust in the Celtic community.
Now, more than ever, we need to open our hearts and minds to embrace the differences within, and outside of our own cultures.
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
If you like these emails and find them useful, why not ask your friends to join as well?
George's X Chalkboard,
34 Clarendon Place, G20 7PZ
0141 332 2902
Open 2pm-7pm most days - more volunteers needed if we want it open more often!
A place to have a cup of tea in a friendly, non commercial space, read a book or magazine and find out about stuff that's going on in the city, the country and the rest of the world.
A meeting place for wayward souls.
A resource centre for groups fighting for autonomy, freedom, solidarity, equality, sustainability, mutual aid and peace against poverty, war and oppression.
If you would like to contribute to the project financially please note the following details. We are looking for one-off donations but especially standing orders.
Account Name: "Printworks"
Sort Code: 11 47 21
Account Number: 00026891
Halifax / Bank of Scotland
Read more!