City Strolls - events - meetings
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Save Our Homes Campaign. City Wide Notice of Meeting
For those of you living in demolition threatened homes in Glasgow, or with an interest in community based struggles - I would urge you to make this meeting. It concerns the interests of all Glasgow people living in GHA Ltd homes - including those in Sighthill and Red Road flats.Especially asylum seekers who do not have a direct say in what happens to GHA housing but are most affected by it's mass demolition plans. The meeting will also cover the recent struggle over the concierge service and our new campaign against GHA policy on Rent arrears - over 950 court cases threatening tenants with eviction.
I will be raising the issue of what Glasgow Save Our Homes's position should be on the issue of Home Office dawn raids. We similarly need to link up tenants and community activists with those working with asylum seekers.
I am therefore asking Colin Vetters of the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees to come and explain the issues.
Yours in solidarity
Graham Campbell (Sighthill Save Our Homes)
agahst 2003 wrote:
From: "agahst 2003"
Subject: SOH City Wide Notice of Meeting
Thursday December 1st. 7.30pm
Seasons Greetings to You All
This will be Last meeting for this year of 2005.
@ the Quakers Meeting Place
38 Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow G2 4PS
0141 248 8493 Agenda includes: Feedback from Edinburgh Against Stock Transfer (EAST) + the Law is an Ass (John) Updates and Media Reports (Sean) Combating Eviction (Iain) GHA Ltd. / Scottish Executive’s Breach of EU Law Monitoring Concierge Deal No Care & Very Low Maintenance Add your concerns / points for discussion Contact
Read more!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomous update 29 Nov
It might be cold outside, but Glasgow is buzzing with radical activity! Refugee solidarity is still a big issue, as the Home Office insist on continuing dawn raids on families. There are now demos every Saturday outside Brand St Immigration Centre. For details of this, and loads of other ways we can stand in solidarity, check the Refugees section.A new section in this week's update is "Court Support". A movement is only as strong as it's prisoner support, so remember to check every week for upcoming court support dates. And if you want support for court dates relating to actions/demos, please get in touch and we'll put it in the update.
The George's X Chalkboard social centre is now open 2pm-7pm. We're trying to open seven days for longer hours, so if you can give time to do a shift, come to one of our organising meetings or drop in and get involved. Alternatively, you can support us by setting up a standing order donation (see bottom of this email). We have funds to keep the centre open for a while, but ultimately we'll depend on support and fundraising.
Have a good week!
- GAP Meeting - Monday 5th December
- Jam 74 AGM - Tuesday 29th November
- Glasgow Troops Out meeting - Thursday 1st December
- IWW meeting - Wednesday 7th December
- Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees meeting - Monday 5th December
- Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees benefit - Tuesday 29th November
- Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
- Pre-Xmas demo at Brand St - Saturday 17th December
- Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
- TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
- No Borders Glasgow - new group
- Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
- Save Our Homes meeting - Thursday 1st December
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
- Beyond Chutzpah - Tuesday 29th November
- Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - ongoing
- Public Meeting for Hassan Jumaa Awad, President of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions - Wednesday 30th November
- Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
- Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
- Talamh needs a gardener!
- Living Willow Sculpture Workshop - Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th December
- Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
- Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 30th December
- Radical women's health group - Sunday 4th December
- Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 1st December
- "Fare Dodgers and Ticket Collectors" - Saturday 3rd December
- Section 60: Saorsa Benefit Gig - Friday 30th December
- Zapatista Solidarity films - Saturday 11th December
- The Take and Not This Time - Friday 16th December
- Saorsa Social Centre - ongoing
- Brand Street activists - Monday 16th January
GAP meeting - Monday 5th December
We hold weekly meetings in our social centre, the Georges Cross Chalkboard, at 8pm on Mondays. Everything to do with how the centre is run is decided at the Monday meeting.
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
All who agree with our vision statement are welcome at our meetings:
"We strive for a sustainable society where all people are free to live
their lives as they see fit without fear of oppression, persecution or
marginalization insofar as this does not prevent others from doing the
same. We see this fulfilled thru a society built upon principles of
co-operation, solidarity, mutual-aid, direct democracy and freedom of
If you are interested in coming along this week please send an email to
Jam 74 AGM - Tuesday 29th November
Venue: Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street, Glasgow G42 8JL
Glasgow Troops Out meeting - Thursday 1st December
7.30, Room 2, Woodside Halls, 36 Glenfarg Street near St.George's Cross underground.
The agenda will be:
1) Update on recent events
2) Arranging showing of film which we didn't see
properly on Thursday
3) Troops out, Hands off Iran/ Syria activities
4) Axis for Peace conference in Brussels- report
5) Antiwar conference in Glasgow at end of January
For more info contact:
IWW meeting - Wednesday 7th December
Radical union for workers not bosses. New members can sign up at meetings.
7.45 for 8pm
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees meeting - Monday 5th December
Next full meeting of the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees will be on
Monday 5 December 2005 at 7.30pm in room W614 of the Henry Wood Building in
Glasgow Caledonian University.
The meetings after that will take place in the same room on Monday 9th
January 2006 and then Monday 6 February and Monday 6 March.
Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees benefit - Tuesday 29th November
The Arches
Mogwai and The Hugh Reed Explosion 2005
£10.00 in advance Available from the Arches ticket office and website.
No Borders Glasgow talk - Wednesday 30th November
Saorsa Social Centre, 7.30pm
To discuss strategy and future plans to help asylum seekers in Glasgow.Issues likely to be discussed include future actions and protests at the Brand Street Immigration Centre; the privatisation of asylum seeker accommodation and how we can provide practical support and mutual aid for the asylum seeker community in Glasgow.
Brand Street Immigration Centre demos - every Saturday
10am - 12 noon
Picket/Vigil outside Brand Street Immigration Centre (near Cessnock Underground - turn left out of station and then left into Brand Street - the Immigration offices are about 200m along Brand St.)
Stop dawn raids and deportations!
Hands Around Brand St Immigration Centre - Saturday 17th December
Special pre-Christmas demonstration
10am to 12 noon.
Brand Street Immigration Centre (near Cessnock Underground - turn left out of station and then left into Brand Street - the Immigration offices are about 200m along Brand St.)
For recent Brand Street actions see
Creche volunteers needed for Sighthill English and Support Class - ongoing
Teaching English
GCtWR’s English & Support Class in Sighthill is needing some help with the
crèche side of its regular Thursday evening class (between 7pm and 9pm). If
you are interested and are either Disclosure checked or prepared to be, then
please contact Sheila on 07718 896 041.
TEFL teachers needed for new literacy class - ongoing
Do you have qualifications in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Adult Literacy Education? The Saorsa Social Centre is planning to start free, fortnightly, English Language classes in the New Year and are looking for more people to help with this. Get in touch if you can help.
Saorsa Social Centre
674 Pollokshaws Road
0141 423 9055
No Borders Glasgow - new group
No Borders Glasgow is committed to practical solidarity, mutual aid and
direct action in the fight against deportation, detention, poverty and
The main thing for us at the moment is being involved in the growing
resistance to deportations in Glasgow - e.g. the recent occupation of the
Immigration Reporting Centre in Govan - while putting forward the
arguments against all migration controls (often ignored or opposed by
other groups).
We have a weblog for updates on actions, campaigns,meetings, links to
other groups etc at and a discussion/updates email
list at:
No Borders Glasgow
Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
Over the last few weeks Positive Action in Housing has needed to find homes for
several refugees who have been evicted or who have unstable living situations.
They would like people to get in touch if you have a spare room in your house
and would like to welcome a refugee into your home.
Positive Action in Housing Ltd, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ
tel: 0141 353 2220
fax: 0141 353 3882
Save Our Homes meeting - Thursday 1st December
7.30pm, Friends' Meeting House, 38 Elmbank Crescent, G2 4PS
0141 248 8493
Agenda includes:
Feedback from EAST + the Law is an Ass (John)
Updates and Media Reports (Sean)
Combating Eviction (Iain)
GHA Ltd. / Scottish Executive’s Breach of EU Law
Monitoring Concierge Deal
No Care & Very Low Maintenance
Add your concerns / points for discussion
This will be Last meeting for this year of 2005.
Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
2pm-4pm at the Junction of Hope St. and Sauchiehall St. (opposite Watt Bros.) The Scottish PSC stall attracts supporters to sign petitions or sign-up sheets, get information about coming meetings and events, collect literature, or buy a ribbon, tee-shirt or Palestinian headscraf (kiffeya) and more.
Beyond Chutzpah - Tuesday 29th November
On the BBC Radio 4 Today programme this Monday morning, Norman Finkelstein, in the brief time allowed, showed why he is the scourge of those Zionists who throw sand in the eyes of those who criticise Israel's crimes by warning of growing anti-Semitism. To hear the discussion, go to .
Prof Finkelstein is speaking in Glasgow today:
Tues 29 Nov, 2.30pm
Sir Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre
Glasgow University (Opposite GU Union Building)
Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - ongoing
A small group of Glasgow based individuals are attempting to start a peer to peer internet radio broadcast and are looking for others interested in such a project with or without expertise. It would be good if some of those interested came with some expertise as we have very little.
Public Meeting for Hassan Jumaa Awad, President of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions - Wednesday 30th November
Renfield St Stephens Centre, Bath Street.
All enquiries, Please call Ewa Jasiewicz, Iraq
occupation Focus and Naftana 07749 421 576
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of direct action to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 miles north of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week, or longer!
Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from Jamaica Street to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peace camp.
For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 901
Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
All fliers, information etc relating to the war, welcome.
Buchanan St, outside Borders bookshop.
Talamh needs a gardener!
Talamh Housing Co-op is looking for a new member who has enthusiasm and
time enough spare to co-ordinate gardening. Talamh has a large
productive polytunnel, organic veg terraces, and soft fruit bushes.
Talamh grows for those living here, and we'd like to increase this
amount but need help to do this from someone keen to help co-ordinate
growing for next year.
Anyone who is interested, and thinks they'd like to live in a busy,
sometimes chaotic community, but fun too, is welcome to visit and stay
to see what they think. Talamh is home to 10 adults, 4 children,
visitors, 4 dogs, a cat, and chickens. It's a member of Radical Routes,
a network of co-ops working for social change.
Contact: or phone 01555 820555 or 820550
Living Willow Sculpture Workshop - Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th December
This short practical course will cover how willow is grown, coppicing
methods, sorting methods, creating a structure and maintenence of
It will be held at Talamh, start at 10am each day and cost £40,
inclusive of lunch.
Accomadation can be arranged through the Housing Coop for an extra
£10, including breakfast and dinner.
If you are interested please contact us as soon as possible on 01555
820073 or
Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
Over the time of the G8 summit, Southside residents and visiting anti-G8 activists started to create a community garden. People are welcome along at any time to enjoy and add to the garden.
The garden is behind the billboards at Eglinton Toll. Bus Numbers 44,22,23,57
Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 30th December
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ride
through Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, less hostile.
All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square
Radical women's health group - Sunday 4th December
We are an informal group who meet once a fortnight. We discuss topics and learn skills to do with women's health. All women are welcome and the group is trans-friendly. We aim to be mum-friendly, and group members will take turns to entertain younger kids.
Sunday 4th will focus on artificial hormones and their effect on women's health. If you have any information or experience to contribute regarding the contraceptive pill, hormones in food, cosmetics etc, it would be great to hear.
Starting 2.30pm, Chalkboard social centre, 34 Clarendon Place (just off Maryhill Road)
Nearest underground: St George's cross.
Buses along Maryhill Road to and from city centre.
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 1st December
The Glasgow Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army meets weekly on Thursdays at 5:50 in the upstairs gallery of the Lansdowne Church (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).
Come along to clown around and plot sinister plans for revolutionary silliness. Contact Major Pan-Sweat,
"Fare Dodgers and Ticket Collectors" - Saturday 3rd December
Reclaim Urban Space - Against Capitalism & Boredom - For Free Public Transport
A game for 2 teams on fast legs on the Underground
Teams will be formed and the game explained at meeting point: Kelvinbridge Underground 3pm.
(All you need is the price of an underground ticket!)
Section 60: Saorsa Benefit Gig - Friday 30th December
13th Note Cafe, King St
Details tbc
Zapatista Solidarity films - Saturday 11th December
"The struggle for Water" and "KIPTIK WATER SYSTEM: Emiliano Zapata + slide shows"
A discussion will follow on Scotland's Twinned Autonomous Municipality "16th Febuary" and the progress of the much needed health clinic in that region.
Mexican food provided!
6pm, Saorsa Social Centre
The Take and Not This Time - Friday 16th December
The Take - the story of what happened when Argentinian workers decided to sack the boss!
Not This Time - casualised/temp workers have to suffer dangerous conditions every day. This film follows one young man's family and friends who swore his death at work wouldn't go in vain.
Screening time TBA.
George's X Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road (near St George's Cross)
Saorsa Social Centre
Open from 2pm every day except Saturdays and Sundays
Regular meetings in Saorsa:
Alternate Mondays: 7.30pm Glasgow Zapatista Solidarity Group - raising money for medical clinics in Chiapas
Tuesdays: 7.30pm Reshape Glasgow - set up to protest against the G8 but now campaigning against globalisation, corporations, etc
Wednesdays: Open platform - films, talks, social events - as and when we arrange them
Thursdays: 7.30pm G42 Collective meetings - the collective responsible for maintaining the social centre (we always need new people!)
Sundays: 5pm Sunday Social nights - bring food to share or add to the pot. An evening to chat and chill out.
Want to use the Social Centre for meetings or other events - phone 0141 423 9055 after 2pm to arrange it!
Brand Street activists - Monday 16th January
Three people were arrested after the gates at Brand Street Immigration Centre were padlocked shut and barricaded at a direct action. They spent 30 hours in police custody, and were eventually bailed. Please try to support them on this next court date.
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
If you like these emails and find them useful, why not ask your friends to join as well?
George's X Chalkboard,
34 Clarendon Place, G20 7PZ
0141 332 2902
Open 2pm-7pm most days - more volunteers needed if we want it open more often!
A place to have a cup of tea in a friendly, non commercial space, read a book or magazine and find out about stuff that's going on in the city, the country and the rest of the world.
A meeting place for wayward souls.
A resource centre for groups fighting for autonomy, freedom, solidarity, equality, sustainability, mutual aid and peace against poverty, war and oppression.
If you would like to contribute to the project financially please note the following details. We are looking for one-off donations but especially standing orders.
Account Name: "Printworks"
Sort Code: 11 47 21
Account Number: 00026891
Halifax / Bank of Scotland
Read more!
The Snow Queen: A festive play for refugee children in Govan
Read more!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I am writing to you on behalf of Scottish asylum families in danger of being victims of dawn raids (Where is the missing 16 year old Farhad Ahmed)
I am writing to you on behalf of Scottish asylum families in danger of being victims of dawn raids and over 1700 current signatories on our online petition at condemning dawn raids and calling for an amnesty for Scottish asylum families. I have just learned from the BBC Newsnight Scotland programme last night that the First Minister claims he was ‘never against dawn raids’.
In light of these latest claims, I would be grateful to know whether you believe the First Minister misled the Scottish people on 22 September. I ask this because all of us, myself in a private meeting with the First Minister on that day, the Glasgow Girls who met him in that meeting and then in parliament at First ministers questions, and then in the papers the next day, were under the impression that the First minister and the parliament and the Scottish people had expressed our collective revulsion at dawn raids on Scottish soil and an end to them.
Also please see below details of a dawn raid conducted on the Ahmed Family from Pakistan who lived for over a year in Germiston, Royston Glasgow - Paul Martin MSP’s & Michael Martin MP’s constituency. This account was related to me by the family members and their neighbour Farina, herself a potential dawn raid victim.
I would be grateful if you could let me know whether you consider the treatment of the Ahmed family on Scottish/UK soil to be acceptable in a civilised society?
Finally, I would also be grateful if you could confirm whether you have signed the Scottish asylum amnesty petition.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
Robina Qureshi
See also: Ahmed family campaign
Support the amnesty for Scottish asylum families, sign the online petition now
We are trying to trace the whereabouts of 16 year old Farhad Ahmed, a former pupil at St Roch's Secondary School. Farhad was due back 'home' at 15 Forge Place , Germiston, Royston, Glasgow G21 on Monday 14 November 2005 . Noone ion authority has reported him missing.
However, on the the previous Friday (11 November), without his knowledge, Farhad's mum Farhat (40), his older brother Faheem (19) and younger sister Zoha (13), herself a pupil at St Roch's Secondary School, were the victims of a brutal 'dawn raid' by a 12 strong Home Office snatch squad. Farhad's only way of contacting his family was by calling his mum's mobile (he does not have one). That was the only means of contact. However the Home Office snatch squad immediately confiscated Farhad's mum's mobile despite her pleading that her youngest son was not in the flat and she needed the mobile so he could call her.
The family then endured a further catalogue of inhumane treatment right up until the point that they were forcibly put onto the plane to Pakistan despite Farhad's older brother Faheem protesting to the immigration officers that he would not leave the UK without his younger brother.
His mother, herself ill with lung problems and heart disease - was forced under duress to make a terrible choice virtually on the tarmac of Gatwick Airport . A women from Immigration screamed at her to 'shut up! shut up!" and that they would make sure Faheem went to jail "forever" and she would then never see either of her sons again if she did not make Faheem go onto the plane. When Mrs Ahmed heard this, she went quiet and then forced Faheem to go onto the plane and leave behind her younger son. Nothing has been heard from the Ahmed family in Pakistan or Farhad here in the Uk .
Brutal inhumanities took place on British soil against the Ahmed family between 11 and 14 November 2005 . That inhumanity continues.
16 year old Farhad was expected back on 14-11-05 but has not returned. We don't know if he has disappeared or is scared or even alive. We fear for his safety. He has no keys or mobile phone. He still doesn’t know his family has been deported. His mum called a neighbour at Forbes Place from the airport to ask her to look out for Farhad when he got home the next day. The neighbour promised she would. She then put up a notice on his front door telling him to go to them. But noone has heard anything. If you see or hear from Farhad, please urge him to contact his neighbours. If anyone can help with tracing Farhad please contact 0141 353 2220.
To add to this misery, the Ahmed's friend and neighbour, also an asylum seeker, was informed yesterday (Tuesday 15-11-05) that she must leave the UK despite being settled here for two years without complaint (and there is plenty to complain about when you see the state of Forbes Place - urine-ridden, needle-ridden, damp, miserable, freezing cold with the wind whipping through the stairwells - probably one of the worst high rises we have ever encountered). There is a sense of fear amongst many of the asylum seeker residents because of the impending doom of further dawn raids on the families living in the block.
The Ahmed’s is the worst case yet to come to public attention since the recent dawn raids on the Vucaj family on 13 September (Kingsway) and the Kupeli family on 14 October (Gorbals). There are thousands more frightened people - like the Ahmed's, Vucaj's and the Kupeli's - living in Glasgow who are terrified they are going to be the next victims of a dawn raid.
Sign the petition for an amnesty for Scottish asylum families:
98 West George Street
Glasgow G2 1PJ
Tel: 0141 353 2220 Fax: 0141 353 3882
Email: Web:
Read more!
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomous update 24 Nov
It's Buy Nothing Day this weekend, so head along to St Enoch Square on Saturday for a swap-shop and lots of clown-based silliness. This Friday's Critical Mass will also have a "Buy Nothing Day" theme - see the Sustainability section for details.
Or if you want to get away from the city altogether, have you ever thought of joining a housing co-op? Talamh in Lanarkshire is looking for a new resident who has time and skills to put into their organic garden. Why not visit and see if it's the place for you?
The George's X Chalkboard social centre is now open 2pm-7pm. We're trying to open seven days for longer hours, so if you can give time to do a shift, come to one of our organising meetings or drop in and get involved. Alternatively, you can support us by setting up a standing order donation (see bottom of this email). We have funds to keep the centre open for a while, but ultimately we'll depend on support and fundraising.
Have a good week!
- GAP Meeting - Monday 28th November
- Jam 74 AGM - Tuesday 29th November
- IWW meeting - Wednesday 7th December
- No Borders Glasgow - new group
- Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
- Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - ongoing
- Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
- Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
- Buy Nothing Day spectacular - Saturday 26th November
- Talamh needs a gardener!
- Living Willow Sculpture Workshop - Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th December
- Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
- Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 25th November
- Radical women's health group - Sunday 4th December
- Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 24th November
- Hate Motorways, Love Ceilidhs - Saturday 26th November
- Section 60: Saorsa Benefit Gig - Wednesday 30th December
- Zapatista films - Wednesday 11th December (sic)
- The Take and Not This Time - Friday 16th December
- Saorsa Sunday Social - Sunday 27th November
GAP meeting - Monday 28th November
We hold weekly meetings in our social centre, the Georges Cross Chalkboard, at 8pm on Mondays. Everything to do with how the centre is run is decided at the Monday meeting.
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
All who agree with our vision statement are welcome at our meetings:
"We strive for a sustainable society where all people are free to live
their lives as they see fit without fear of oppression, persecution or
marginalization insofar as this does not prevent others from doing the
same. We see this fulfilled thru a society built upon principles of
co-operation, solidarity, mutual-aid, direct democracy and freedom of
If you are interested in coming along this week please send an email to
Jam 74 AGM - Tuesday 29th November
Venue: Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street, Glasgow G42 8JL
IWW meeting - Wednesday 7th December
Radical union for workers not bosses. New members can sign up at meetings.
7.45 for 8pm
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
No Borders Glasgow - new group
No Borders Glasgow is committed to practical solidarity, mutual aid and
direct action in the fight against deportation, detention, poverty and
The main thing for us at the moment is being involved in the growing
resistance to deportations in Glasgow - e.g. the recent occupation of the
Immigration Reporting Centre in Govan - while putting forward the
arguments against all migration controls (often ignored or opposed by
other groups).
We have a weblog for updates on actions, campaigns,meetings, links to
other groups etc at and a discussion/updates email
list at:
No Borders Glasgow
Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
Over the last few weeks Positive Action in Housing has needed to find homes for
several refugees who have been evicted or who have unstable living situations.
They would like people to get in touch if you have a spare room in your house
and would like to welcome a refugee into your home.
Positive Action in Housing Ltd, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ
tel: 0141 353 2220
fax: 0141 353 3882
Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
2pm-4pm at the Junction of Hope St. and Sauchiehall St. (opposite Watt Bros.) The Scottish PSC stall attracts supporters to sign petitions or sign-up sheets, get information about coming meetings and events, collect literature, or buy a ribbon, tee-shirt or Palestinian headscraf (kiffeya) and more.
Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - ongoing
A small group of Glasgow based individuals are attempting to start a peer to peer internet radio broadcast and are looking for others interested in such a project with or without expertise. It would be good if some of those interested came with some expertise as we have very little.
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of direct action to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 miles north of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week, or longer!
Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from Jamaica Street to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peace camp.
For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 901
Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
All fliers, information etc relating to the war, welcome.
Buchanan St, outside Borders bookshop.
Buy Nothing Day spectacular - Saturday 26th November
11.00 am- Info' Stall and swop shop, St. Enoch’s Sq.
All day- Clowning and games. Meet at the info’Stall
More info: 0141 423 9055
Talamh needs a gardener!
Talamh Housing Co-op is looking for a new member who has enthusiasm and
time enough spare to co-ordinate gardening. Talamh has a large
productive polytunnel, organic veg terraces, and soft fruit bushes.
Talamh grows for those living here, and we'd like to increase this
amount but need help to do this from someone keen to help co-ordinate
growing for next year.
Anyone who is interested, and thinks they'd like to live in a busy,
sometimes chaotic community, but fun too, is welcome to visit and stay
to see what they think. Talamh is home to 10 adults, 4 children,
visitors, 4 dogs, a cat, and chickens. It's a member of Radical Routes,
a network of co-ops working for social change.
Contact: or phone 01555 820555 or 820550
Living Willow Sculpture Workshop - Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th December
This short practical course will cover how willow is grown, coppicing
methods, sorting methods, creating a structure and maintenence of
It will be held at Talamh, start at 10am each day and cost £40,
inclusive of lunch.
Accomadation can be arranged through the Housing Coop for an extra
£10, including breakfast and dinner.
If you are interested please contact us as soon as possible on 01555
820073 or
Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
Over the time of the G8 summit, Southside residents and visiting anti-G8 activists started to create a community garden. People are welcome along at any time to enjoy and add to the garden.
The garden is behind the billboards at Eglinton Toll. Bus Numbers 44,22,23,57
Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 25th November
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ride
through Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, less hostile.
All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square
This month's ride will be followed by some screenings and free food down at the
G42 Social Centre. The screenings will be Still We Ride
( and a few other short films that deal with
7.30pm, Saorsa Social Centre 674 Pollokshaws Rd.
Radical women's health group - Sunday 4th December
We are an informal group who meet once a fortnight. We discuss topics and learn skills to do with women's health. All women are welcome and the group is trans-friendly. We aim to be mum-friendly, and group members will take turns to entertain younger kids.
Sunday 4th will focus on artificial hormones and their effect on women's health. If you have any information or experience to contribute regarding the contraceptive pill, hormones in food, cosmetics etc, it would be great to hear.
Starting 2.30pm, Chalkboard social centre, 34 Clarendon Place (just off Maryhill Road)
Nearest underground: St George's cross.
Buses along Maryhill Road to and from city centre.
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 24th November
The Glasgow Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army meets weekly on Thursdays at 5:50 in the upstairs gallery of the Lansdowne Church (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).
Come along to clown around and plot sinister plans for revolutionary silliness. Contact Major Pan-Sweat,
Hate Motorways, Love Ceilidhs - Saturday 26th November
Come to the JAM74 Ceilidh to raise funds for the campaign against the M74 Northern Extension.
Coupar Institute, 84 Clarkston Road, Glasgow
£7 / £5 concession
Call 07921 193831 to get tickets.
Section 60: Saorsa Benefit Gig - Wednesday 30th December
13th Note Cafe, King St
Details tbc
Zapatista films - Wednesday 11th December
At the Saorsa Social centre. Details TBC.
The Take and Not This Time - Friday 16th December
The Take - the story of what happened when Argentinian workers decided to sack the boss!
Not This Time - casualised/temp workers have to suffer dangerous conditions every day. This film follows one young man's family and friends who swore his death at work wouldn't go in vain.
Screening time TBA.
Saorsa Sunday Social - Sunday 27th November
Weekly get-together to chat, share food, watch films or listen to music,
bring food, wine or beer to share... To help cook come at 5pm - food is
usually ready by 7.30pm.
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
If you like these emails and find them useful, why not ask your friends to join as well?
George's X Chalkboard,
34 Clarendon Place, G20 7PZ
0141 332 2902
Open 2pm-7pm most days - more volunteers needed if we want it open more often!
A place to have a cup of tea in a friendly, non commercial space, read a book or magazine and find out about stuff that's going on in the city, the country and the rest of the world.
A meeting place for wayward souls.
A resource centre for groups fighting for autonomy, freedom, solidarity, equality, sustainability, mutual aid and peace against poverty, war and oppression.
If you would like to contribute to the project financially please note the following details. We are looking for one-off donations but especially standing orders.
Account Name: "Printworks"
Sort Code: 11 47 21
Account Number: 00026891
Halifax / Bank of Scotland
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Urgent callout - tree cutters moving in to Dalkeith country park, Edinburgh
As of today, Wednesday 23rd November, Dalkeith park is under immediate threat. I spoke at 2pm to somebody there and she says they need support immediately. They expect to be evicted tomorrow, 24th November. They have tree houses that they are occupying but need support. Even people standing as witnesses on the ground around the trees can make a huge difference to the safety of those in the trees. Cameras, medics and legal observers are likely to be useful, but anybody able to get there at such short notice is requested.*** URGENT- Tuesday, 22 November 2005 Eviction Ordered This afternoon, the 48-hour notice from the Sheriffs Court was delivered to the protest site at Dalkeith Country Park. Earlier this morning, tree felling was started. Five trees were lost including a beautiful old oak before protesters successfully blocked any further cutting and halted work. In response, the liaison officer delivered the 48-hour notice stating all occupiers needed to leave during that period or face prosecution. More People are urgently needed to protect this woodland!
Background On Monday 31st October, protesters set-up a tree-sit to stop the destruction that will be caused by the Dalkeith Northern Bypass of the current A68. The tree-sit is in Dalkeith Country Park, a historic 850 acre park that serves as a valuable wildlife habitat and is visited by 50,000 people annually. The proposed bypass would cut the wildlife habitat in two, and while the 1999 Strategic Road Review noted it would offer journey savings, it also noted the bypass would cause "generally negative ratings in the other environmental factors, including global air quality, water, ecology, visual impacts, heritage, and landscape character." Although construction is not supposed to begin officially until the summer of 2006, because of the early spring nesting season of birds and bats, tree-felling is to begin immediately. In response to this emergency, anti-roads protesters have set-up a tree-sit and walkways in the pines that are in the path of the extension. Protesters will also be present at Midlothian Council's upcoming public review to help present the case against the bypasses through Dalkeith Park and through Bilston Glen. Protesters will remain in the trees until the bypass is defeated.
Contact Dalkeith Protest Site Phone: 07783904369 E-mail: For more information on the campaign to Save Dalkeith Country Park, visit the website of the legal campaign: There is a petition on the Scottish Executive’s site running until the end of November: Or you can email Midlothian Council directly at: or phone at Tel: 0131 270 7500
Directions to the Protest Site The site is in a stand of pines on the north side of the River Esk after the two branches have joined and near the cut for the overhead electric lines. Enter Dalkeith Country Park at the north end- entrance off of the A6094 at Smeaton Lodge (between Dalkeith and Whitecraig). Go past Home Farm towards the River Esk, after crossing the bridge the protest site can be accessed by the first farm track on the left (note the site is not accessible for vehicles). Alternatively, enter Dalkeith Country Park from the main entrance off of the High Street in Dalkeith. Stay on the road leading to the right past the adventure playground, shop and cafeteria; after passing the grazing fields and the power line cut the road will split. Take the left fork towards the River Esk. After crossing the bridge, the protest site can be accessed by the first farm track on the left. From Edinburgh, Lothian Buses 3 and 3a go to Dalkeith.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Buy Nothing Day Buy Nothing Day Buy Nothing Day
This is a call for actors, performers, musicians, costume makers, visual artists and all other imaginative people in or around Glasgow to participate in a Buy Nothing Day Spectacle on Saturday the 26th of November 2005. Although the idea is still in it's making, it will involve colorful (or
colorless) shoppers being over whelmed with their shopping, a giant trash
bag monster, using empty boxes to build walls in front of shops, doctors in
white lab suits diagnosing people with consumerism diseases, a boom box
disguised as a rubbish bin, and much more.
The idea is to raise awareness in a creative way about over consumption and
the potential alternative to this. The other objective is to use performance
and theatre to distract people from shopping therefore making this also a
form of direct action.
If you wish to help plan this event please get in touch with me and/or meet
at the Landsdow church on Great Western Road, right across from the
Kelvinbridge underground stop on Thursday the 17th of November at 18:00.
For more information on BuyNothingDay please visit
International :
UK :
Just to let everyone know that there will also be a critical mass bike ride
on the 25th of November which will include reclaiming our rights to cycle
freely and safely in the Glasgow, followed by some screenings and free food
down at the G42 Social Center.
For more information about critical mass just do a google search ... It's an
international movement.
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News from the Saorsa Social Centre
Just an update from the G42 Collective and reminders
about what is happening this week.
This morning the Brand Street Immigration Centre near Ibrox was shut down
for six hours from 5am to 11am by a group of about 20 protestors including
folk and friends from Saorsa.
Three people were detained under suspicion at the end of the action as
folk started to disperse. The three have been charged and are being held
overnight to be taken to the Sheriff Court tomorrow morning. It appeared
that their arrests were partially due to political pressure coming
directly from the Home Office.
A call out for people to come to court tomorrow morning (Tuesday) from
10am to show solidarity with the three arrested has gone out - please make
it if you can to show we will not be intimidated.
Tomorrow night (Tuesday) we will be making banners and preparing things
for the Buy Nothing Day events on Friday and Saturday.
Wednesday evening the new Camcorder Guerilla film "WELCOME TO DUNGAVEL" is
being shown in the Saorsa Social Centre followed by a discussion with
contributions by Mike from the newly formed Glasgow No Borders network and
by a member of the Scottish Detainee Visitors group who regularly visit
detainees at Dungavel.
On Thursday evening there is the weekly meeting of the G42 Collective when
issues to do with the Saorsa centre are sorted out. And there will be a
'collision' of CLOWNS from the Clown Army at Landsdowne Church on Great
Western Road from 5.50pm to sort out clowning tactics for Buy Nothing Day.
On Friday the CRITICAL MASS starts at 5.30 from George Square which will
be followed by food and films about Critical Masses in other cities from
Saturday is BUY NOTHING DAY starting at 11am with a swop shop and info
stall in St Enoch's Square. From 1pm there will be fun and games with the
odd bit of clowining in a shopping centre or two to creatively reclaim
public space from the clutches of corporate consumerism...Meet at the
info-stall / swap shop to join in...
Then on Sunday there'll be the regular Sunday Social at Saorsa - our
weekly get-together to chat, share food, watch films or listen to music,
bring food, wine or beer to share... To help cook come at 5pm - food is
usually ready by 7.30pm.
Advance notices:
Wednesday December 11th - Zapatista film show at Saorsa
30th December - Section 60 - Saorsa Benefit gig, 13th Note, details tbc
SAORSA SOCIAL CENTRE - putting the 'kissed' in anarchist!
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Stop the war on children -Day of action

The right to a family life;
The right to education;
Freedom from imprisonment;
Freedom from deportation;
Freedom from destitution;
Freedom from dispersal;
Freedom from terror.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomous update 15 Nov
As yet more sickening dawn raids are carried out on asylum seekers, a new group has been formed to bring solidarity and mutual aid to those seeking asylum. No Borders Glasgow is interested in taking direct action to help asylum seekers resist deportation. Please check out the Refugees section and get involved if you can. The George's X Chalkboard social centre is now open 2pm-7pm. We're trying to open seven days for longer hours, so if you can give time to do a shift, come to one of our organising meetings or drop in and get involved. Alternatively, you can support us by setting up a standing order donation (see bottom of this email). We have funds to keep the centre open for a while, but ultimately we'll depend on support and fundraising.
Have a good week!
- GAP Meeting - Monday 21st November
- Jam74 Meeting - Tuesday 15th November
- Jam 74 AGM - Tuesday 29th November
- IWW meeting - Wednesday 7th December
- No Borders Glasgow - new group
- Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
- Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - ongoing
- Flying picket of warmongers - Wednesday 16th November
- Fallujah Eyewitness Talk - Wednesday 23rd November
- Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
- Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
- Buy Nothing Day spectacular - Saturday 26th November
- Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
- Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 25th November
- Radical women's health group - Sunday 20th November
- Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 17th November
GAP meeting - Monday 21st November
We hold weekly meetings in our social centre, the Georges Cross Chalkboard, at 8pm on Mondays. Everything to do with how the centre is run is decided at the Monday meeting.
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
All who agree with our vision statement are welcome at our meetings:
"We strive for a sustainable society where all people are free to live
their lives as they see fit without fear of oppression, persecution or
marginalization insofar as this does not prevent others from doing the
same. We see this fulfilled thru a society built upon principles of
co-operation, solidarity, mutual-aid, direct democracy and freedom of
If you are interested in coming along this week please send an email to
Jam 74 Meeting - Tuesday 15th November
Campaign against the M74 motorway.
Venue: Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street, Glasgow G42 8JL
Jam 74 AGM - Tuesday 29th November
Venue: Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street, Glasgow G42 8JL
IWW meeting - Wednesday 7th December
Radical union for workers not bosses. New members can sign up at meetings.
7.45 for 8pm
Georges Cross Chalkboard, 34 Clarendon Place, just off Maryhill Road.
Nearest underground: St George's Cross
Buses: 20, 30, 40, 61, 66 from town centre to St George's Cross end of Maryhill Road
No Borders Glasgow - new group
No Borders Glasgow is committed to practical solidarity, mutual aid and
direct action in the fight against deportation, detention, poverty and
The main thing for us at the moment is being involved in the growing
resistance to deportations in Glasgow - e.g. the recent occupation of the
Immigration Reporting Centre in Govan - while putting forward the
arguments against all migration controls (often ignored or opposed by
other groups).
We have a weblog for updates on actions, campaigns,meetings, links to
other groups etc at and a discussion/updates email
list at:
No Borders Glasgow
Help a homeless asylum seeker: appeal from Positive Action in Housing
Over the last few weeks Positive Action in Housing has needed to find homes for
several refugees who have been evicted or who have unstable living situations.
They would like people to get in touch if you have a spare room in your house
and would like to welcome a refugee into your home.
Positive Action in Housing Ltd, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ
tel: 0141 353 2220
fax: 0141 353 3882
Scottish Palestine Solidarity stall - every Saturday
2pm-4pm at the Junction of Hope St. and Sauchiehall St. (opposite Watt Bros.) The Scottish PSC stall attracts supporters to sign petitions or sign-up sheets, get information about coming meetings and events, collect literature, or buy a ribbon, tee-shirt or Palestinian headscraf (kiffeya) and more.
Help set up a peer-to-peer internet radio broadcast - ongoing
A small group of Glasgow based individuals are attempting to start a peer to peer internet radio broadcast and are looking for others interested in such a project with or without expertise. It would be good if some of those interested came with some expertise as we have very little.
Flying picket of warmongers - Wednesday 16th November
Meet Donald Dewar statue foot of steps of royal concert hall, 4pm sharp.
Bring extra banners leaflets, placards if possible.
We'll finish with rally and leafletting at starting point( steps of RCH) at about 5 or 5.30.
Please bring a camera to document the protest if you can.
Eyewitness Fallujah Talk - Wednesday 23rd November
George Moore Building, Glasgow Caledonian University,
70 Cowcaddens Road, G4 0BA.
Info or to offer ideas and help: or 07952 969102
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of direct action to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 miles north of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week, or longer!
Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from Jamaica Street to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peace camp.
For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 901
Weekly anti-war stall - every Saturday
All fliers, information etc relating to the war, welcome.
Buchanan St, outside Borders bookshop.
Buy Nothing Day spectacular - Saturday 26th November
This is a call for actors, performers, musicians, costume makers, visual artists
and all other imaginative people in or around Glasgow to participate in a Buy
Nothing Day Spectacle on Saturday the 26th of November 2005.
The idea is to raise awareness in a creative way about over consumption and the
potential alternatives to this.
If you wish to help plan this event please get in touch with and/or meet at the Landsdowne church on Great Western
Road, right across from the Kelvinbridge underground stop on Thursday the 17th
of November at 18:00.
Cre8 Summit Community Garden - ongoing
Over the time of the G8 summit, Southside residents and visiting anti-G8 activists started to create a community garden. People are welcome along at any time to enjoy and add to the garden.
The garden is behind the billboards at Eglinton Toll. Bus Numbers 44,22,23,57
Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 25th November
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ride
through Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, less hostile.
All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square
This month's ride will be followed by some screenings and free food down at the
G42 Social Centre. The screenings will be Still We Ride
( and a few other short films that deal with
Radical women's health group - Sunday 20th November
We are an informal group who meet once a fortnight. We discuss topics and learn skills to do with women's health. All women are welcome and the group is trans-friendly. We aim to be mum-friendly, and group members will take turns to entertain younger kids.
Sunday 20th will focus on menstrual cycles and natural family planning.
Starting 2.30pm, Chalkboard social centre, 34 Clarendon Place (just off Maryhill Road)
Nearest underground: St George's cross.
Buses along Maryhill Road to and from city centre.
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - Thursday 17th November
The Glasgow Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army meets weekly on Thursdays at 5:50 in the upstairs gallery of the Lansdowne Church (across from Kelvinbridge Underground).
Come along to clown around and plot sinister plans for revolutionary silliness. Contact Major Pan-Sweat,
To receive these weekly news updates please email
To stop receiving them please email
Preferred format is a short summary, with practical details of when and where, and a link to a web page for more detail. If you do not have a web site of your own, the excellent allows anyone to easily create a page letting others know what you have been, or are up to.
Send that to before Monday for inclusion in the following week.
If you like these emails and find them useful, why not ask your friends to join as well?
George's X Chalkboard,
34 Clarendon Place, G20 7PZ
0141 332 2902
Open 2pm-7pm most days - more volunteers needed if we want it open more often!
A place to have a cup of tea in a friendly, non commercial space, read a book or magazine and find out about stuff that's going on in the city, the country and the rest of the world.
A meeting place for wayward souls.
A resource centre for groups fighting for autonomy, freedom, solidarity, equality, sustainability, mutual aid and peace against poverty, war and oppression.
If you would like to contribute to the project financially please note the following details. We are looking for one-off donations but especially standing orders.
Account Name: "Printworks"
Sort Code: 11 47 21
Account Number: 00026891
Halifax / Bank of Scotland
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Royston dawn raid on asylum family - update
12 Nov 05: Mrs Farhat Ahmed (40), her son Faheem (19) and daughter Zoha (13), a 3rd year pupil at St Roch's Secondary School, are currently being held at Tinsley house Removal Centre and are to be deported to Pakistan on a 10.30 pm flight tomorrow, Sunday 13 November 2005. Farhat's other son, Fahad (16), was in London at the time of the dawn raid and is unaware that his family was been removed for deportation. he is expected back in Royston on Monday. See top link
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
International Day of Action and Remembrance on November 10th Honoring Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni Eight
Danny Alderslowe Phone: 07795303663
Scottish supporters of permaculture to join activists worldwide in anInternational Day of Action and Remembrance on November 10th Honoring Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni Eight Scotland-wide Group to Organize a Peaceful Vigil this Thursday, November
10thABERDEEN -- On Thursday, November 10th, in over 41 cities worldwide, supporters will be honoring Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni Eight with peaceful vigils at homes and outside of Shell stations, each pausing to remember the sacrifice of these men. Ten years ago, on the morning of November 10th, 1995, Ken Saro-Wiwa, internationally renowned writer, environmental activist and Ogoni Leader, was hanged, with eight colleagues, in a prison yard in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Today, Nigeria has emerged from decades of military rule, but oil companies like Shell continue to devastate the Niger Delta while poverty and growing instability plague indigenous communities. Globally, oil continues to dominate world affairs, in conflict, climate, finance and development.
The peaceful vigils will feature poetry readings, candles, moments of silent reflection, and live conference calls with friends, family and others who are continuing the legacy of Ken Saro-Wiwa. Participants worldwide will display images, in the form of temporary tattoos distributed at each gathering, of a smiling Ken Saro-Wiwa, and the date of his execution, November 10th, 1995.
“When I learned of Ken Saro-Wiwa’s execution I joined many people across Britain in protesting at Shell petrol stations. Now ten years on I want to show that we haven’t forgotten, and his legacy lives on in hearts and minds across the globe, as well as in my son’s name. This is why we are going to Shell’s headquarters in Aberdeen.” Said local organizer Lusi Alderslowe.”.
“When I learned about this International Day of Action and Remembrance for Ken Saro-Wiwa, I saw it as a great opportunity for Scotland to show its voice /voice its solidarity with indigenous peoples ” said Local organiser Danny Alderslowe. “We see the connection between the treatment of the Ogoni people in Nigeria and the confrontation with the disgraceful treatment of the Rosport five in Ireland, and we see how the exploitation of oil makes the rich richer, the poor poorer and environmental destruction in every nation around the globe.”
WHO: Scottish supporters of the Ogoni and all other indigenous groups WHAT: Peaceful vigil and readings of Ken Saro-Wiwa’s work WHEN: Thursday November 10th WHERE: Aberdeen The peaceful vigil will be open to the press.
For more information about this International Day of Action and Remembrance or to learn about our co-sponsors, OilChange International and EarthRights International, or our partners, visit, or call David Salie at the press office: 0202 903 6813. For more information, go to the event site,
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Wednesday, November 09, 2005
The Snow Queen: A festive play for refugee children in Govan
I am writing to ask for your support for an event aiming to bring a bit of festive cheer in chilly mid-winter to refugee and asylum seeking families in Govan, and hopefully raise a bit of money for people who find themselves homeless and absolutely destitute in Glasgow at a very hard time of year.
Lately it seems that only bad news for asylum seeking families comes out of Govan. Hopefully a wee bit of good news will help to remind folk that refugees are welcome here. The Snow Queen: A festive play for refugee children in Govan
Community InfoSource, a not-for-profit co-operative working with community groups in Glasgow , is getting together with Theatre Modo, an award winning Glasgow-based theatre company, to put on a free performance of their play for 4-7 year olds, The Snow Queen.
A party for the children and their parents will follow the performance, which will be at the Pearce Institute in Govan on Thursday 22nd December.
To help make this event special for the children, we are asking for donations to cover costs. In total, costs for the whole event including the play and the party will work out at about £10.00 per child (around 50 children are expected to attend, with parents.) You can sponsor a child, make a smaller or larger donation, or donate in kind (food, children’s gifts etc – please contact first).
If you would like more information, please contact Michael at Community InfoSource on 0141 586 8035, or email To make a donation, please send a cheque, made payable to Community InfoSource Limited (and on the reverse marked “snow queen”), to:
Community InfoSource
Unit 301, 355 Byres Road
Glasgow G12 8QZ
Any surplus funds raised will be donated to registered charities supporting destitute asylum seekers in Glasgow .
Yours faithfully,
Michael Collins
Director, Community InfoSource
For details of Theatre Modo and the Snow Queen, see:
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