City Strolls - events - meetings

Monday, July 23, 2007

Join the Big blockade Faslane 365 campaign Faslane 365 1st October 2007

Hi Bob,

I am involved in the Faslane 365 campaign and member of the Glasgow group. I have attached a flyer for the Big Blockade on Oct. 1st - it would be absolutely brilliant if you could highlight it on your sites. We are having at meeting at Mono on Tues 24th July and it would be great of you felt you could come along. The meeting is about how to mobilise people in Glasgow to come along to the blockade. Over the year we have had 100s of people come from all over the UK and abroad to the blockades but very very few from Glasgow and Scotland in general and it has most impact here. It would be great to have your input on why that maybe and how we can mobilise people locally. It is an issue that cuts across all others, the £70 billion they have voted to spend on renewing Trident would easily solve the health, housing and environment problems in Glasgow and could be invested to create enterprise that people want.

Any help you can give greatfully welcomed.

With respect and in peace,
Faslane 365 Big Blockade 1st October 2007

Bob, 08:56


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